I believe Obama was put into power to take the blame for the weakening economy, so that Americans would beg for a “strong man” to take them down that final road to serfdom. My hope is that people stop falling for the Hegelian Dialectic of Republican v. Democrat, Socialist v. Fascist or any other seemingly opposing collectivist systems. They should choose the alternative system that made this country great, a Constitutional Republic with Free Market Capitalism. It is the one system that protects and profits the individual.
So I am on the look out for that 2012 Fascist “strong man” now. So far the choices range from The Apprentice’s Trump to the Dancing with the Stars’ mom, Palin. Whoever does get selected to become the next President of the United States will merely be another sock puppet for some very brilliant and powerful men behind the scenes. Our new fearless leader will demand more control over your financial affairs here at home and more military adventures overseas.
One key thing I will use to determine this new “strong man” is how cozy this candidate is with the Zionists in Israel. In fact, one of the most important stops in the Republican Presidential race is not some factory in Detroit or some farm in Iowa, it is a trip to see the Zionist godfather of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. (Please note that not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews.) So far, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Haley Barbour, Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani have all made trips to Israel to have personal meetings with Netanyahu. The Logan Act forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. There is nothing to worry here about though; they are probably just sharing Matzo Ball soup recipes…
When the Fascist Republican gets into office in 2012, Zionists will push the US into yet another war in the Middle East, this time with Iran. America will be suckered into another war that serves Israel’s national interest. Neo Con Dick Cheney tried to create a false flag event just before leaving office to justify a war with Iran. Seymour Hersh exposed this in this interview below.

At 1:55, Bill Maher questions the godfather, “Why Israel can pull off quick wars and we cannot?” Netanyahu says the secret is that, “We have America.” Even this very skilled politician, Netanyahu, stammered after that stunning admission. You see, if Israel can influence America to fight their wars, they don’t have to risk their treasure, soldiers or reputation. Israel has 6 day wars and we have never ending wars. In light of this, all Americans should be very cautious when 6 Republican candidates travel to meet a man like this.
So you think this might be a slip of the tongue on national TV? Here is Netanyahu again on camera speaking with Israeli settlers candidly discussing about his plans to attack the Palestinians, undermine the Oslo Peace Accords, and manipulate the United States to secure its backing.

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Have we been manipulated into wars ruining our name, weakening our economy, spending trillions of our money and thousands of lives of our best men because a foreign government has control over our institutions? You make your own decision. As for me I cannot ignore this anymore, especially when I see 6 Presidential Candidates trying to get the blessing of the Zionist godfather. I don’t want to see another decade of senseless wars that destroy our men, morale, and money. I will be watching this Presidential group closely and whose interests these sock puppets serve? I can tell you that these guys could not care less about the average American and our economic plight. They only care about they guys with the money and the political pull. That is why this country is so screwed up.
Sarah Palin is perhaps the most popular of this group so I will isolate her. Make no mistake, what is said about her, could easily be said of Romney, Trump, Huckabee, Barbour, Gingrich and Giuliani. Sarah Palin was popped out of thin air to be the running mate to Neo Con favorite John McCain. The Zionists loved McCain after he did his “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Iran” song. In fact if you remember McCain was left for dead in the 2008 primaries until that point. Then miraculously he defeated all of the Republican challengers and ran the table in the end. When it came time for his VP running mate to be chosen, Sarah Palin was plucked from the ether. She was the perfect marketing platform to spin any message from. She had good looks and a folksy charm about her.

For the past two years, Sarah has positioned herself as a Tea Party king maker. She has nothing in common with the Tea Party that was born out of the Ron Paul Revolution, but that did not stop her. I warned people to Beware of Patriot Pied Pipers about the Elite infiltrating, subverting and destroying the National Tea Party. Now, I am warning Americans to Beware of the Zionist Pied Pipers that will sell out our country for Israel.
I am going to give you a couple of pointers to help spot these Zionist Pied Pipers.
Does your Presidential they suffer from national loyalty confusion? “I’m so thankful to be able to be here, and I’m thankful to know the Israel-American connection will grow and strengthen as the peace negotiations continue.” Sarah Palin

Does your Presidential Candidate suffer from religious confusion? (Warning: Shiksa Alert! That is some bling, bling for a Christian girl.)

Does your Presidential Candidate get help from a Dark Sith Lord?

Does your Presidential Candidate have random Israeli flags in their office? Palin, who was wearing a large Star of David, told Danon that she had flags of Israel “on my desk, in my home, all over the place” and that she would carry around a flag she bought in Israel. (Source.) “I wanted to meet you for many years,” Ms. Palin told Mr. Peres, according to an aide to the president. “The only flag at my office is an Israeli flag,” she was quoted as saying, “and I want you to know and I want Israelis to know that I am a friend.” (Source.)

P.S. Please refrain from the old trick of shouting Anti-Semite…
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