Monday, February 28

Will Face Book Be Sold To Saudi King

 In recent days Face Book was said to have a worth or 50 Billion and now there are reports that face book was offered 150 Billion.

Site deployment Down Ayers U.S., on Sunday, on his official report to the effect that King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia presented to Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, the amount of $ 150 billion to buy the entire site. ملك السعودية يقرر شراء موقع الفيسبوك بمبلغ 150 بليون دولار لانهاء الثورات

The report pointed out that the publication of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz has gone to this step, after having expressed his deep distress of the demonstrations, and dismay at the pages that allow calls to the revolutions that occur in the region through Face book.
Until now, the site did not give any report on the reaction to Mark Zuckerberg about this offer, which he described the site offer tempting.
The Arab protests, which began in Tunis, and went to Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, and many Arab countries, has begun through the website famous Facebook

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