Monday, February 14

Mohawk College is Trying To Silence Norman Finkelstein

Dr. Finkelstein

- Mohawk College's threatening letter
 - CJPME's Press Statement Late Friday, CJPME received a letter (see left) from Mohawk College threatening the cancellation of CJPME's upcoming lecture in Hamilton, ON.  The College demanded that CJPME pay an additional $1500 for 8 security officers, or have its event cancelled.  CJPME had already completed payment of $519 for rental of a 190 seat auditorium, so the move by Mohawk would effectively triple the rental cost of hosting the event.  CJPME interprets the move by Mohawk as a discriminatory attempt to force the cancellation of the event. 

Please click here to send an email to the President and other administrators of Mohawk College.

More Info  

Dr. Norman Finkelstein is a Jewish-American scholar on the Middle East.  Finkelstein was awarded his doctorate by Princeton University in 1988, and has subsequently taught at Rutgers, New York University, Brooklyn College, Hunter College and DePaul University (Chicago). His academic research has concentrated on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its representation in political discourse.

The move at Mohawk echoes a trend which CJPME and other social justice groups in Canada have noticed in recent years.  Canadian universities make it increasingly difficult to host events by socially progressive speakers.  Yet instead of outright refusing the events, these universities insist on outrageous "security" charges or administrative delays which make the events practically and financially unviable.

Thanks for helping out.  These are battles that we need to fight, and when we put our voices together, we can win.

Thomas Woodley
President, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Telephone: (438) 380 5410

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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