Tuesday, February 1

The Global Intifada...

1. Gilad Atzmon: Global  Intifada

Haaretz reported today that  "Israel urges the world to curb criticism of Egypt's Mubarak."
Apparently Jerusalem seeks to convince its allies that it is in the 'West's interest' to maintain the stability of the Egyptian regime. In other words, Israel urges the 'Goyim' to 'keep being subservient to Jerusalem'. Jerusalem was  foolish enough to admit that Mubarak was there to serve Israeli and 'Western' interests.

Over the weekend Israel called on the United States and a number of European countries to restrain their condemnation of President Hosni Mubarak to "preserve stability in the region."

Let's all be clear about it : as far as Israelis are concerned, 'stability in the region' means a few million Jews living in 'safety' on Palestinian land, at the expense of one billion Muslims. But I guess that this Zionist militant expansionist fantasy is crumbling in front of our eyes now.

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3. Massoud Nayeri: U.S. Media and the Mighty Uprising in Egypt

Israel has rallied to the support of President Hosni Mubarak by allowing Egyptian troops into the Sinai peninsula for the first time since a peace deal was signed in 1979.
Fox News and CNN are leading a vicious misinformation campaign in the U.S. Media against the popular uprising in Egypt. Both networks are exaggerating the issue of "instability" in some cities in Egypt, such as Cairo. The fact of the matter is that Egyptians not only don't see this as "instability" but as a victorious journey to a secure democratic society. During the 7 days of powerful uprising in Egypt, people in massive numbers are insisting on bringing an end to the 30 years of Mubarak's brutal and corrupt police state and the numbers are growing on a daily bases. In the early days of the uprising, Mubarak - first by unleashing his infamous police force - killed over 100 people and arrested a multitude of activists and protesters. Then by pulling back his police thugs from the streets and ordering the army forward to select locations as a symbol of intimation thus purposely CREATED A SECURITY VACUUM. This move by the government allowed an opportunity for some robbers and thieves to openly break into homes and places of business and by looting and vandalizing, they created an atmosphere of fear and chaos in some areas of Cairo. Soon, the youth started protecting their neighborhoods by any means necessary. This instant mass response was reminiscent of what happened during the 1979 Iranian uprising where the youth took control of their neighborhoods for security when the Monarch (Shah) was toppled and there was no government in place. In Cairo, the youth in a few short days contained the activities of these thugs and arrested some of the looters. According to some reports, the neighborhood protection committees found the official Egyptian POLICE ID cards among those hooligans.

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4. US' Egypt policy under fire as uprising gains momentum  (video)


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