Friday, January 28

Urge the US media to cover the Egyptian protests.

Time is of the essence.

Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak has cut off all Internet access in Egypt.  Before the lights went out, Egyptian activists on Facebook said that they feared a massacre was about to happen.

Under the cover of media darkness, Mubarak may try to slaughter his democratic opposition.

Unfortunately, you might not have read this on key news sites in the US.  As late as Thursday evening, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and even NPR made little or no mention of these events on their homepages.

In contrast to their 24-hour coverage of Iranian protesters in 2009, major US news media have given democracy activists in Egypt a lower profile.

That's why these US media organizations need to hear from you.  Right now.

Click here to email the above news organizations.  Tell them to devote serious media resources to the protests in Egypt.

Global media coverage may force the Mubarak dictatorship to back away from bloodshed.  In the US, Americans also need to know about these protests, because we are the ones funding Egypt's dictator. 

Please do your part to urge our media institutions to give serious coverage to the Egyptian democracy protests.  Many Egyptians' lives may depend on it.

Click here.  Thank you.

Sanjeev Bery
Freedom Forward

P.S.  You can post this link on Facebook:


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