Tuesday, January 25

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines January 25, 2011 ~

The Palestine Papers
PA official: Leaked memos authentic
Nabil Shaath, former member of Palestinian negotiations team, admits documents published by al-Jazeera are real. Former Fatah strongman Dahlan points finger at Israel.

Al-Jazeera documents are authentic, claims former Olmert adviser
The media adviser to Israel’s former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said that the documents leaked by Al-Jazeera are authentic. Winky Glenti pointed out that the leaked papers prove that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is a "genuine partner" of the bilateral political process, despite repeated claims to the contrary by Israel.

The Palestine papers: Abbas admits refugee return 'illogical'
Palestinian president prepared to compromise on crucial issue of right of displaced millions to return to Israel

Papers reveal how Palestinian leaders gave up fight over refugees
• Negotiators agreed just 10,000 to return
• PLO agreed Israel could be a 'Jewish state'
• US suggested Palestinians live in Latin America

Al Jazeera English Video: The Palestine Papers: Refugees' right of return on bargaining table
Since 1948, millions of Palestinian refugees have held out the hope of returning to their own state one day. But the Palestine Papers reveal that their leaders were willing to make major concessions on the issue of the Palestinians' right of return. Al Jazeera's Barnaby Philipps reports from Shatila Refugee Camp in Lebanon.

PA selling short the refugees
Palestinian Authority proposed that only a handful of the nearly six million Palestinian refugees be allowed to return.

Palestine papers: Tal Becker, The Israeli negotiator in 2008 held detailed talks with his Palestinian counterpart Saeb Erekat on the refugee issue

Palestinians agreed only 10,000 refugees could return to Israel
Secret papers reveal Palestininian negotiators privately accepted Israeli offer of 1,000 refugees a year over 10 years

Condoleezza Rice: send Palestinian refugees to South America
Palestine papers show US secretary of state told negotiators that Chile and Argentina could be asked to give land to displaced

Expelling Israel's Arab population?
Israeli negotiators, including Tzipi Livni, proposed "swapping" some of Israel's Arab villages into a Palestinian state.

Jordan, PLO clash on refugee issue
Leaked documents reveal that Jordan had a serious disagreement with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) over the latter's approach to negotiating with Israel over the rights of Palestinian refugees. Jordanian officials felt the PLO's approach could compromise Jordan's and the refugees' rights to seek full remedies under international law.  In early September 2008, the Jordanian government drafted a letter, to be sent to Israel, expressing objections to the potential solutions to the refugee issue that were being discussed between Israel and Palestinian negotiators.

Al Jazeera English Video: Palestine Papers anger East Jerusalem residents
Palestinian negotiators apparently put forward East Jerusalem, the area of Jerusalem claimed by the Palestinians but occupied by Israel, in negotiations for a Palestinian State, according to documents obtained by Al Jazeera. These revelations from The Palestine Papers have particularly angered Palestinans living in East Jerusalem. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher spoke to some of the residents.

The Palestine papers: 'You want to help Hamas?'
The Palestinians and Israelis appear as far apart as ever on the major issues in talks after the 2007 Annapolis summit

Barack Obama lifts then crushes Palestinian peace hopes
Secret papers reveal Palestinian frustration at lack of decisions but Middle East envoy warns against blaming US president

US threat to Palestinians: change leadership and we cut funds
Obama administration told Palestinian Authority its leaders must remain in office if it wants to retain US financial backing

Palestinian negotiators accept Jewish state, papers reveal
Tzipi Livni told she can call Israel what she wants, but her demands to move Arab Israelis to Palestinian state are rejected

Qurei to Livni: "I'd vote for you"
The Palestine Papers reveal that Kadima's leaders refused to compromise on even the most basic issues.

Al Jazeera English Video: The Palestine Papers: Obama envoy shunned Bush parameters
The Palestine Papers also reveal that US president Barack Obama's administration refused to build upon agreements made under his predecessor George Bush. The documents show that they wanted to start negotiations from scratch. And as Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna reports, that is something that the Palestinian negotiators found extremely frustrating.

Deep frustrations with Obama
Obama pressured PA negotiators to restart talks and refused to honour one of the Bush administration's key promimses.

Palestine papers: Condoleezza Rice
The US secretary of state displayed the patience needed for the long-haul frustrations of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations

Condi Rice on the Naqba: “Bad things happen to people all the time”
Like the Wikileaks documents, the Palestine Papers are interesting not just because of their revelations (some of these scoops were known before), but also, and perhaps even mostly, because of the tone and style of statesmen behind closed doors.

Palestine papers: George Mitchell
US special envoy from 2009 combines resolve to bring Israelis and Palestinians together, with realistic take on likelihood of deal

Palestinians agreed to have settlers live under their rule, documents show
Chief Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qureia had offered his Israeli counterpart, Tzipi Livni, to keep Israeli settlements, including Ma'aleh Adumim, inside the Palestinian state, the negotiation documents leaked to Al Jazeera reveal.

A dangerous shift on 1967 lines
US position on borders perhaps opens the door to dangerous Israeli ambitions to transfer non-Jewish citizens.

Palestinian map of dividing Jerusalem 'out of touch with reality', says cartographer
Shaul Arieli, Yair Assaf-Shapira say leaked maps show Palestinians agreeing to divide Jerusalem based on the Clinton peace plan, the Geneva Initiative maps, with slight modifications.

Misunderstanding Israeli motives
Why is there no Palestinian state? Because the Israeli government's objective is not a Jewish state, but a Zionist one.

"We can't refer to the past"
Israel refuses to take responsibility for creating the Palestinian refugee crisis.

Lieberman criticizes Olmert for not exploiting PA generous concessions
Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman criticized the former Israeli government of Ehud Olmert for not exploiting the "generous" concessions offered by Abbas's authority.

The Palestine papers: 'Netanyahu is a master of ambiguity'
Palestinians discuss strategies for dealing with the hawkish Israeli prime minister

Netanyahu's aides: Leaked papers prove Palestinian demands for Jerusalem are 'ridiculous'
Details of negotiations during Olmert's tenure reveal that Palestinian negotiators had secretly agreed to concede most Jewish areas of East Jerusalem; U.S.: We cannot vouch for veracity of the documents.

Zahhar calls for massive rallies, Khatib blasts PA concessions
Political bureau member of Hamas Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar has called for massive Arab demonstrations demanding an end to the frivolous negotiations and concessions.

Al Jazeera English Video: Senior PLO official Nabil Shaath interview
Senior PLO official Nabil Shaath talks to Al Jazeera about the Palestine papers.

Palestinian Zionist's Laughable Response
Defiant Palestinian president dismisses TV leaks (AP)
AP - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has returned to a hero's welcome in the West Bank — his first public appearance since Al-Jazeera published documents showing him making broad concessions to Israel in peace talks.

Palestinians seek source of leaks
Palestinian officials are searching for the source who leaked confidential papers from the Mid-East peace process.

See picture: Ramallah PA gang takes it out on Aljazeera [end]

Fatah incites arson after Jazeera reveals secret documents
Unrest engulfed Ramallah Monday after Al-Jazeera TV had released incriminating documents that angered Fatah leaders.

Palestinian Authority Goons Attack Al Jazeera Offices in Ramallah, Max Blumenthal
How did the US and Israel-funded emergency PA government of Abbas/Abed Rabbo/Erekat respond to Al Jazeera’s release of the Palestine Papers? They released a goon squad to vandalize Al Jazeera’s Ramallah office and apparently to attack the person filming the video, too.

Palestine papers: Mahmoud Abbas responds on al-Jazeera - video
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas claims the leaks distort the truth of concessions offered in peace talks with the Israelis.
Regarding the Palestine Papers - Saeb Erekat
In the past few hours, a number of reports have surfaced regarding our positions in our negotiations with Israel, many of which have misrepresented our positions, taking statements and facts out of context.  Other allegations circulated in the media have been patently false. But any accurate representation of our positions will show that we have consistently stood by our people’s basic rights and international legal principles.

‘Palestine Papers’ fallout: Fatah protesters attack Al Jazeera while in Gaza ‘anger and disbelief’, Adam Horowitz
The video above shows protesters breaking into al-Jazeera's offices in Ramallah earlier today. They are chanting "Al Jazeera are traitors" and "don't film." Alan Fisher, an Al Jazeera English correspondent, tweeted the following earlier this morning...

Palestine Papers Cause More Heartburn in Washington
The exposure by al-Jazeera and London’s Guardian newspaper of a huge cache of documents detailing Palestinian accounts of a decade of peace negotiations with Israel could deal a lethal blow to U.S. efforts to get a credible process back on track, according to experts.  By demonstrating how much the Palestine Authority (PA) was willing to give up in exchange for an independent state, the 1,600-some documents, whose disclosure began Sunday and will reportedly continue through Wednesday, are likely to further undermine in its people’s eyes the already badly weakened regime headed by its president, Mahmoud Abbas.

Other Reactions to the Palestine Papers
UN envoy defends PA
RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- In the aftermath of Al-Jazeera's expose showing that the PLO offered striking concessions to Israel, the UN peace envoy came to Ramallah's defense.  "I welcome robust political debate, but some of the commentary I have seen conveys an inaccurate impression. I can personally attest to the commitment of the Palestinian leadership to secure the legitimate rights and interests of the Palestinian people," Robert Serry said.  In a statement, he urged "both parties to show their readiness for a negotiated peace based on a two State solution, and to deliver on the ground. It is to the genuine credit of the Palestinian leadership that they are doing so, and this is widely acknowledged in the United Nations."

Leaks make Mideast situation 'more difficult': US (AFP)
AFP - The United States acknowledged Monday that the release of secret Palestinian files on US-brokered regional peace talks makes the Middle East situation "more difficult," but said a framework peace deal remained possible.

U.S. scrambles to contain fallout from Mideast leak (Reuters)
Reuters - The United States scrambled on Monday to contain diplomatic fallout from leaked documents showing Palestinian negotiators offered big concessions to Israel, a disclosure that complicates efforts to revive stalled peace efforts.

Palestine Papers Analysis
The Palestine papers: Al-Jazeera trumps WikiLeaks
Palestinian documents on Mideast negotiations revealed by Al-Jazeera TV are testimony that the Palestinians are willing to go the distance for peace.

Only Palestinian refugees can give up their right of return, Ghada Karmi
As the Palestine papers reveal new proposals to deal with the refugee issue, it is worth remembering the legal restrictions

The 'Palestine Papers' through Edward Said's eyes
Shortly after the 1993 Oslo Accords, meant to be the first step on a short road to a lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace, the late Palestinian activist and academic Edward Said wrote a gloomy essay for the London Review of Books, predicting that Oslo's ultimate effect would be to delegitimize the PLO in the eyes of its own people and cost the Palestinians major chunks of land.

When Livni spoke of ethnic transfer, Abu Alaa said only solution is ‘binational state from sea to river’, Philip Weiss
The breaking news is that in negotiations three years ago, the Israelis sought ethnic population swaps: Jewish settlements in the West Bank would become part of Israel, while Palestinian villages in Israel would become part of the new Palestinian state. The same records of these negotiations (released by Al Jazeera) show that the Palestinian negotiators were trying to imagine the two peoples getting along in a single polity. In one of the discussions, Abu Alaa, a leading Palestinian figure and former prime minister, calls for a binational state. Tzipi Livni, the foreign minister, said she'd have to think about it.

'I want to be Palestinian forever ... but we're Israeli too'
Citizens of a town divided by the Israeli barrier are themselves split over possible reunification proposed in the Palestine papers

Palestinians condemn US plan to settle refugees in South America
Suggestion revealed in Palestine papers clashes with refugees' fundamental right to go home, say Palestinian groups.  Palestinians have expressed shock and dismay at the US suggestion to settle Palestinian refugees in Argentina and Chile rather than let them return to ancestral land in Israel.  Representatives of the Palestinian diaspora said the plan to ship displaced Palestinians from the Middle East to a new homeland across the Atlantic clashed with their fundamental right to go home.

Palestine Papers: 5 disclosures that are making waves
Al Jazeera’s trove of documents on Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, which the news organization has dubbed the “Palestine Papers,” landed with a resounding thud on desks in Jerusalem and Ramallah yesterday.  Al Jazeera has so far only released some of the documents, which appear to come from the Palestinian side. Though Palestinian officials allege that some of the documents are faked, here are a few of the claims they contain that are already making waves in regional capitals.

Live updates on the Palestine papers at WarinContext. Tariq Ali incredulous, Akiva Eldar we were hoodooed, Clayton Swisher this land swap is like desert lots in Arizona for Manhattan real estate. Rashid Khalidi is on Democracy Now today talking about the papers proving the Israelis are rejectionists, and showing the depths of the lobby.

Report: Bishara aide leaked memos
Jordanian newspaper says six advisors in PA's negotiations department leaked secret documents to al-Jazeera, including relative of former Knesset member. According to report, documents sold to Qatari network about six months ago.

The Palestine Papers: An end to the myth of Israel’s generosity
Instead of going through the commentary on the recently released “Palestine Papers,” I suggest readers start by checking out some of the documents themselves. Even for those suspicious of the “generous Israeli offer vs. Arab rejectionism” narrative of the 2008 talks as I was, some of the documents are quite shocking.

Palestinian leaders weak – and increasingly desperate, Seumas Milne
The overwhelming impression that emerges from the confidential records of a decade of Middle East peace talks is of the weakness and desperation of Palestinian leaders, the unyielding correctness of Israeli negotiators and the often contemptuous attitude towards the Palestinian side shown by US politicians and officials.

'The Palestine Papers': The Final Nail in the Coffin of the Peace Process?, Tony Karon
An unspoken truth held to be self-evident by many in the Middle East is that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is dead. If so, the trove of more than 1,600 secret Palestinian documents whose release by the Qatar-based al-Jazeera news organization and Britain's Guardian newspaper began on Sunday could be its postmortem.

Palestinian Papers: What the Al Jazeera Blockbuster Means, MJ Rosenberg
Al Jazeera's stunning revelations about Israeli-Palestinian negotiations have different meanings for Israelis, Americans and for Palestinians.  The bottom line is that, despite the assurances it gave to the Palestinian people that it was driving a hard bargain with the Israelis, the Palestinian Authority went well beyond the Palestinian consensus on every key issue: borders, Jerusalem, settlements, refugees. Its goal was to accommodate Israeli demands by any means necessary to get the Israelis to agree to something. Anything.

The Palestine Papers: The Ultimate Confirmation of Israeli Intentions, Joseph Dana
The cables released last night by Al Jazeera, which form the Palestine Papers, have provided ultimate confirmation of what many on the ground have known for some time – Israel is not interested in an equitable two state solution. Instead Israel is interested in maintaining the status quo, which necessarily means that both Palestinian and Israeli society will be in a permanent state of war. Control of the Palestinian population in the West Bank and the separation of the West Bank from Gaza is the form of the Israeli-imposed one state solution. Crippling land annexation in the form of settlement expansion and development of Israeli infrastructure permanently change the facts on the ground while the United States, the main broker in the region, remains deftly silent. This continues while Israel informs the world that there is no Palestinian partner for negotiations and refuses to even provide documents detailing the Israeli bottom line.

Bronner and Aljazeera leaks
"The NYT, and sadly Neil Mac, outdoes itself by burying and then trying in the headline and pull to diminish the  authenticity of the major leak.The problem in their construction is that THEIR PARTNER IN THE WIKILEAKS DISCLOUSURES, THE GUARDIAN, ALSO put out the docs in partnership, worked to authenticate etc.  “…Al Jazeera did not say how it had gotten hold of the documents, and State Department officials on Sunday would not comment on them, cautioning that they could not vouch for the documents’ authenticity.”  Well they could just go to the Guardian’s website and READ ABOUT how this new leak went down and the efforts to authenticate – which appear solid."  [end]

Palestine Papers: Obama didn’t abandon all Bush policy – he maintains a firm disregard for Palestinian democracy, Adam Horowitz
Although the Palestine Papers are full of references from the Obama adminstration that "President Obama does not accept prior decisions by Bush" (in the words of George Mitchell), there are a few things that the current White House agrees with the last administration on. Seumas Milne and Ian Black report for the Guardian and on the US's repeated threats to cut off funding to the PA if there are any leadership changes...

Total Capitulation, Tariq Ali
The ‘Palestine Papers’ being published this week by al-Jazeera confirm in every detail what many Palestinians have suspected for a long time: their leaders have been collaborating in the most shameful fashion with Israel and the United States. Their grovelling is described in grim detail. The process, though few accepted it at the time, began with the much-trumpeted Oslo Accords, described by Edward Said in the LRB at the time as a ‘Palestinian Versailles’. Even he would have been taken aback by the sheer scale of what the PLO leadership agreed to surrender: virtually everything except their own salaries. Their weaknesses, inadequacies and cravenness are now in the public domain.

Palestine papers: America's approach to peace talks 'a failed policy'? (The Christian Science Monitor)
The Christian Science Monitor - The 'Palestine papers' released Sunday by Al Jazeera's leaked documents suggesting Palestinians were prepared make sweeping concessions on East Jerusalem, "right of return" demands, and other long-time sticking points in negotiations are unlikely to make life easier for anyone.

The real disconnect in the peace process | Matthew Brodsky
The issue is not how far apart Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are, but how far apart the PA leaders are from their people.  Much like the recent WikiLeaks cables, the "Palestine Papers" leaked to al-Jazeera provide a treasure trove of information for those interested in a play-by-play account of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process in recent years. Nevertheless, to western eyes, these revelations should be far from earth-shattering. In fact, the documents release so far, along with the maps, look remarkably similar to the Clinton Parameters from 23 December 2000, and have long been on record.

Palestine Papers: Why there will never be a State of Palestine, Alex Kane
One core lesson from the "Palestine Papers," Al Jazeera's leak of secret documents on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations from 1999 to 2010, is that there will never be a State of Palestine, living side by side with Israel.  This was known before, but the papers confirm it.  The mainstream narrative--that Israel and the Palestinians have been talking for nearly 20 years and are very close to reaching an agreement but just have to sit at the table for a little more time--is not credible anymore.  Why has Israel refused the Palestinian Authority's offers, which offered up most of East Jerusalem, major illegal settlement blocs and a complete denial of the rights of Palestinian refugees?

The Palestine Papers and What They Reveal About the US/Israeli Agenda, KATHLEEN CHRISTISON
Many people told them so -- told them, meaning told the United States and Israel and even the overeager Palestinian leadership, that the Oslo agreement in1993 wasn’t fair, that it made too many demands of the Palestinians and virtually no enforceable demands of Israel; that the United States, no honest broker or neutral mediator, was looking out only for Israel’s interests and cared nothing for Palestinian concerns; that the peace process breakdown at Camp David in 2000 was not the fault of the Palestinians but was the responsibility of President Clinton and his “Israeli lawyer” advisers for representing only Israel’s needs; that while Clinton demanded Palestinian concessions, he was winking at Israel’s steady expansion of settlements and land grabs in Palestinian territory; that Clinton’s two successors did the same.

And Also... The Palestinian Cables
‘The Palestine Cables’: WikiLeaks exposes Egypt, PA cooperation with Israel during Gaza assault, Alex Kane
The State Department cables also reveal for the first time that while Israel waged a devastating assault on the Gaza Strip, eventually killing an estimated 1,400 Palestinians, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority (PA) were actively working with Israel.  Previous cables from WikiLeaks revealed that Israel had "consulted" with Egypt and the PA prior to the beginning of "Cast Lead."  The PA denied the allegations then.

Settlers/ Land, Property, Resource Theft & Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing
Digging completed on tunnel under Old City walls in East Jerusalem
Digging delayed after residents of Silwan filed petition claiming dig was damaging their homes; tunnel dates back to Second Temple and links City of David to location near Western Wall.

Settlers confiscate 120 dunums of Palestinian land
Jewish settlers on Sunday seized by force more than 120 dunums of Palestinian land in Al-Khalil district and started to plow some of them, local sources reported.

Israel plans to build 58,000 settler homes in OJ
Gaza's religious affairs ministry expressed concern over a project to build 58,000 Jewish settler homes in occupied Jerusalem by 2020.

UN makes progress resettling Palestinian refugees (AP)
AP - The head of the U.N. refugee agency says the resettlement of Palestinian refugees stranded on the Iraq-Syria border is nearly complete.

An afternoon in GOD TV’s Jerusalem studio, a base of ethnic cleansing in the Negev, Max Blumenthal
I spent a part of this afternoon in the green room of a Russian news bureau in Jerusalem. While waiting for my friend Joseph Dana to appear on Russia TV to discuss the Palestine Papers, I looked out the window at a panoramic view of Jerusalem. In the foreground was the Mamilla cemetery, once the home to the graves of prominent Palestinian families like the Khalidis, and now the desecrated future site of the Simon Wiesenthal Foudation’s ironically named “Center for Human Dignity,” which was approved by the Jerusalem municipality.

News for sad Jews, Amira Hass
In the past two years, over 3,000 trees in Palestinian villages have been destroyed or stolen. When volunteers celebrated Tu Bishvat by planting trees in Maghar, near Ramallah, settlers slammed the event.

Activism/Solidarity/Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions
Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update
Jan 25, 2011-- Violence continues in al Nabi Saleh, where Occupation forces targeted homes and arrested one young man. Heavy tear gas reported in Ni'lin and Bil'in, where the popular committee is calling for inquiries into the affects of tear gas and other weapons used against protestors. In al Ma'sara, soldiers blocked residents from reaching their land and arrested an international activist.

Israeli Repression of Beit Ommar Demonstrations Continues
On Saturday, January 22, 2011, Israeli Forces used sound bombs and tear gas to repress the weekly unarmed demonstration in the village of Beit Ommar against the nearby settlement of Karmei Tsur. The demonstration is organized each week by the National Committee Against the Wall and Settlements and the Palestine Solidarity Project.

Irish activists have acquired boat for Gaza protest
IRISH ACTIVISTS planning to take part in a Gaza-bound aid flotilla due to set sail at the end of March have acquired a vessel that will carry 25 passengers, including several Irish politicians who have pledged their participation.

BDS: Focus on Israel's Tel Aviv-Jerusalem Fast Train
While Israel's planned fast train that connects Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in a quick 28 minutes will be welcomed by weary commuters, it spells further land confiscation from villages bordering the ever-irrelevant Green Line.  The website WhoProfits.org, has been focusing its pressure and attention on the Italian based construction company, Pizzarotti & Co. since they joined Israel's development project to build a fast train connecting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, cutting through Palestinian land.

Boycott vote in Sydney suburb sparks media furor, death threats
On 15 December 2010, the councilors of a suburb of Sydney, Australia voted to support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. They have since become the subjects of vilification in the press death threats from Australia's lunatic fringe.

Democracy under threat over EI funding, Dutch groups say
Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Uri Rosenthal has threatened to punish the Dutch foundation ICCO for its continued funding of The Electronic Intifada. However, ICCO is standing its ground and Dutch civil society organizations are condemning the minister's tactics.

Why I will not testify - Maureen Murphy
I have been summoned to appear before a federal grand jury in Chicago on Jan. 25. But I will not testify, even at the risk of being put in jail for contempt of court, because I believe that our most fundamental rights as citizens are at stake.

Video contest winners announced!
Jan 25, 2011-- The winners of the Israeli Apartheid Video contest have been announced! Check out the videos, and use them to spread awareness about Israeli Apartheid across historic Palestine

Human Rights/Humanitarian Issues/Siege/Repression
Israel threatens to disconnect Gaza's infrastructure
GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday told French Foreign Minister Michele Alliot-Marie he was considering disconnecting the Gaza Strip from Israel's electricity and water supplies.  The plan was originally proposed by Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in the summer of 2010. He suggested that the European Union help build a power plant, water desalination plant and sewage treatment facility in the Gaza Strip to make it self-sufficient.

Israeli soldiers harass Palestinians at checkpoint
RAMALLAH: An Israeli human rights organization on Monday said that the Israeli soldiers manning a checkpoint in the Jordan Valley detain Palestinians for hours without reason.

Palestinians protest against closure of commercial crossing in Gaza
Palestinian truck owners demonstrated in response to the Israeli decision to close the Karni crossing permanently at the end of the month. Also known as the Al-Mentar crossing, the Karni crossing is a key commercial crossing point between the eastern Gaza Strip and Israel.  The protestors called on the international community to apply pressure on Israel to open all the crossings and to help bring an end to the illegal siege of Gaza. Protestors also called on the President Mahmoud Abbas and the Legislative Council to investigate these closures and hold those responsible accountable. They urged the international Quartet and the state of Turkey to intervene and prevent, what has been seen as an attempt to tighten the blockade surrounding the Strip.

Flotilla aid fails to deliver in Gaza (The Christian Science Monitor)
The Christian Science Monitor - More than seven months after Israel diverted a Gaza-bound "Freedom Flotilla" with lethal force and agreed to help transfer its supplies to Gaza, Israel and Turkey are still haggling over the legality of Israel's intervention. Yesterday an internal Israeli investigation cleared its military of any wrongdoing.

Personal angle: One man's voice
A B'Tselem data coordinator relates the story of Muhammad Dababseh from Hebron, who was arrested working illegally in Israel and severely beaten.

Breaking: another child arrested in Nabi Saleh
The 11 year old brother of Isalm Tamimi- a 14 year old child who was arrested in Nabi Saleh during a night raid on the village- has been arrested this morning by the army in Nabi Saleh. Isalm Tamimi was interrogated for eight hours after his arrest early Sunday morning. Yesterday, the state asked for him to remain in jail until a hearing on Thursday.

11 arrested in Silwan clashes with Israeli troops
Eleven Palestinians, among them seven minors, were beaten and arrested Monday during clashes with Israeli troops in the East Jerusalem district of Silwan.

Children seized for interrogation as clashes continue
Israeli troops arrested 18 year old Abed Mohammed during a raid on his family’s home in Bir Ayyub this morning. A 14 year old child was seized from Baten al-Hawa neighborhood, while 2 other children, aged 11 and 12 years, have also been arrested in Silwan and are in police custody and awaiting interrogation. The day has been marked with sporadic clashes and confrontations throughout Silwan between Palestinian residents and Israeli forces. The present atmosphere is extremely tense in Bir Ayyub, a district in the heart of Silwan, where a huge number of Israeli forces are amassing. Israeli special forces police erected a barrier at the Wadi Rababa entrance to Silwan this morning, causing traffic congestion.

Sheikh Musa Odeh of Bustan Committee arrested, more injured as clashes escalate
Sheikh Musa Odeh of Al-Bustan Popular Committee was arrested by Israeli forces today. Violent clashes are currently underway in Bir Ayyub district of Silwan, with Israeli troops firing heavy amounts of tear gas at Palestinian residents. Witnesses report that several Palestinians have been physically beaten by Israeli troops and numerous injuries have been sustained.

By-standers seized by Israeli troops, elderly man beaten
Israeli forces have arrested 4 Palestinians amidst violent clashes in Silwan, despite the uninvolvement of those taken. Mahmoud al-Razem, Ibrahim Deyab and Abu Naser Zidani were seized by Israeli forces from a shop in Bir Ayyub. Shop contents were said to be strewn and damaged by officers during the arrests. Sheikh Musa Odeh, a member of Al-Bustan Popular Committee, was arrested on the street as he passed by the scene. Taleb Odeh, 70 years old, was beaten by Israeli troops, who also sprayed him in the face with tear gas at close range.

MP Attal administratively detained following military trial
The Israeli military court of Ofer on Sunday sentenced Palestinian lawmaker Mohamed Attal to six months in administrative detention.

15 Hamas members arrested by PA
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – The Palestinian Authority arrested 15 Hamas members in the West Bank, the party said Tuesday.  The Islamist movement said in a statement that Hamas affiliates were detained in Nablus and Jenin.

Tibi: Palestinian prisoners rot while Shalit famous
Arab-Israeli MKs attend conference in Morocco in support of Palestinians imprisoned in Israel, urge international community to make issue top priority. Likud member: They are spitting in Israel's face.

War Crimes
Obama Administration Worse than Bush:  U.S.: Israel's Gaza flotilla report is credible and impartial
State Department comment on Turkel Commission's preliminary report comes after Turkish PM Erdogan says the panel, which exonerated Israel's raid on aTurkish aid flotilla, had 'no value or credibility.'

Turkey slams Israeli flotilla report, issues own (Reuters)
Reuters - Turkey released details on Monday of its own report into the bloody seizure of a Gaza-bound Turkish aid ship, a day after Israel published contradictory findings that reignited a furious dispute between the two.

Israeli inquiry on flotilla raid is criticized (AP)
AP - The Turkish Islamic aid group that organized the Gaza-bound international flotilla that was raided by Israeli forces last year has criticized an Israeli inquiry for clearing Israel's military and government of any wrongdoing.

Flotilla Massacre: Whitewash Absolves Israel, Stephen Lendman
Last May 31, Israeli commandos attacked and murdered nine activists, injuring dozens in international waters on board the Mavi Marmara mother ship, one of five bringing humanitarian aid to besieged Gazans.  The UK-based Stop the War Coalition called the attack "Yet another act of Israeli barbarism." Global protests erupted. Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy cited Israel's "propaganda machine....reach(ing) new highs (in distributing) false information....embarrass(ing) itself by entering a futile public relations battle," filled with malicious fiction and deceit.

Turkel is another nail in Zionism's coffin
MEMO CommentaryNews that Israel's Turkel Commission has found that Israeli soldiers fired at unarmed civilians on a peace flotilla in "self-defence" should come as no surprise. The Zionist state is adept at covering up its many military "mistakes" so why should this decision of the government-appointed commission about the assault and hijacking of the Freedom Flotilla on 31 May 2010 be any different? Anyone who thought that the oft-declared "only democracy in the Middle East" would be interested in seeking justice for the victims of Israel's trigger-happy soldiers really ought to know better. It is just a couple of weeks since an unarmed 65-year old man was shot and killed in his bed in a case of "mistaken identity"; his killer didn't even check his identity before opening fire with fatal consequences. The soldier in question was discharged from the army last week; reports say that he is "unlikely" to face any criminal charges. No great outcry has arisen from the international community about injustice, nor have calls been made for the killer to brought before a court; life goes on, and it looks as if that is what is going to happen with the latest Israeli whitewash.

Turkel Commission Endorses Law of the Jungle, Deepak Tripathi
Tales of oppressors and oppressed abound in human folklore. According to one, there in the Valley of Outlaws was an unfortunate village traumatized by a marauder and a handful in his band. That democracy ruled the flock was their favorite boast and that no outsider was allowed to join them was their absolute insistence. The chief had long proclaimed that everything outside the flock was theirs –– so God had willed, he claimed. Hence his men will take it all one by one. Armed with lethal weapons the marauding gang frequently attacked the village on the edge of the Valley. The raiders destroyed the villagers’ crops, looted and burned their property, violated the dignity of women, did not spare children playing hide and seek in orchards. Drunk with power, carrying guns and swords, the band of outlaws inflicted a reign of terror on the villagers by day, even more by night. Those brave enough to complain and lucky enough to reach the powers that be promptly found the judge to be from the pack. The outcome was predictable. The complainant had no chance.

Times’ Kershner uses biased Turkel history to report on biased Turkel report, David Samel
There have been many critical examinations of New York Times articles on this website, and I’ve had my share of such posts to the point where it has gotten tiresome. But there is literally an endless supply of material. A particularly irksome error appears in today’s paper, in an article by Isabel Kershner on the shocking (!) finding of the Turkel Commission that Israel acted legally in killing nine passengers on the Mavi Marmara.

Political Developments
US credibility at stake in UN vote: Palestinians (AFP)
AFP - Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath warned that Washington risks losing any credibility as a peace broker if it vetoes a UN Security Council resolution calling for a halt to Israeli settlement building.

Peru recognizes Palestinian state
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru said on Monday it had recognized a Palestinian state, joining a growing number of Latin American countries in making an endorsement the United States has called premature.

Palestinian embassy to open in Ireland
Ireland becomes first EU member to upgrade Palestinian mission; Israel says move detrimental to peace process.

'Netanyahu doesn't share US goals'
American political newspaper Politico says chances of personal alliance growing between Israeli, American leaders are 'just about zero' due to prime minister's inability to compromise on settlement construction freeze.

Other News
Army Absolves Two Soldiers Who Committed Two Separate Roadblock Killings
The Israeli Military Central Command absolved on Monday two Israeli soldiers who shot and killed two Palestinians at a roadblock in the occupied West Bank. The army said that the soldiers made what was described as “justified decisions”. The two shootings took place at a roadblock near the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Likud's Knesset faction backs probing Israeli NGOs
The decision passed by a majority of seven to six, giving the Knesset House Committee the support needed to draft an outline for the move next week.

Ethan Bronner: to the rescue of Israel (I mean, who treats this guy like he is an objective reporter, really)
"But Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, singled out Israel last week, demanding that it halt what he called its illegal settlement activity."  Singling out? Yes, Bronner and his fellow Zionist propagandists at the Times are correct.  I mean, why single out Israel in its settlement activity when China, Poland, and Brazil also build settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories. [end]

How To Say Nothing Without Really Trying:State Dept. Spokesman Stonewalls on Settlement Stance, Nima Shirazi
On Wednesday January 18, at 1:51PM, a master class in American obstructionism, political spin, question-dodging, the zombie-like repetition of non-committal and meaningless talking points was held by United States State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley. When asked by journalists about a new United Nations Security Council resolution draft condemning Israel for its continuing colonization of Palestinian land during the daily press briefing, Crowley managed to avoid giving even a single straight or substantive answer to many of the questions, demonstrating once again the U.S. government's outright refusal to be honest about anything related to Israel.

The Oppressed Meeting the Oppressor: A Futile Action that Perpetuates the Existing Reality, Rabah Halabi
The Nakba of 1948 forced a new reality on Palestinians who remained in Israel. From then until 1967, these Palestinians lived under a military government. This reality created problematic and complex relations between them and the Jewish occupier, which the writer Emile Habibi brilliantly described in his book The Opsimist.

Palestinians remove some eggs from the American basket, Noura Erakat
This year may bring a close to American mediation of Palestinian-Israeli peace talks. Expectations, usually low, have collapsed in the face of an unwilling, and increasingly self-impeding, U.S. peace broker. Indeed, freezing settlement expansion, as opposed to removing them altogether as mandated by international law, was long regarded as the lowest hanging fruit in peace negotiations.

Listen to the Arab Street, Aijaz Zaka Syed
The United States is celebrating the 82nd birth anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr, the legendary black civil rights champion and a true visionary and reformer. Considered America’s answer to Gandhi, King has inspired generations of Americans, including President Barack Obama, and others around the world, with his liberating vision. His famous words like “I have a dream” and his soaring rhetoric have become so common in the speeches of US politicians, including those of Obama, and others around the world that we seldom realize the extent of his influence beyond America’s shores.
Sovereignty in the Middle East, Dina Jadallah
It is a sad state of affairs, but indicative of the times, that talk of sovereignty around the world is usually limited to the level of the state.   What about the people?  Are they not (ideally) the body for whose benefit the state exists? Do they not constitute the basis of the nation-state? Consequently, should we not be focusing just as intently on sovereignty’s people-based counterpart, agency?  Until the revolution in Tunisia, these questions were especially irrelevant from the point of view of Arab rulers and of their Western-backers. This is definitely the case with the “moderates” among them who “normalize” relations with Israel. It is as if states are denuded of people. While they retain subjects (in the subjugated sense), they lack citizens.


Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on January 23, 2011

Hezbollah-backed Mikati appointed Lebanon PM (AFP)
AFP - Lebanese President Michel Sleiman issued a decree on Tuesday appointing Hezbollah-backed candidate Najib Mikati as prime minister-designate pending the formation of a new government.

'Day of rage' as Mikati set to win PM post
BEIRUT: Public protests, including the blocking of roads with burning tires, erupted across Lebanon Monday hours after former Prime Minister Najib Mikati, the Hezbollah-backed candidate for the premiership, was assured of becoming prime minister-designate. Mikati's chances of becoming prime minister soared after Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt backed him.

Hariri supporters: Hezbollah is carrying out an Iran-backed coup of Lebanon
Demonstrators loyal to caretaker PM declare 'day of anger' after Hezbollah and its allies, with help of Druze leader, secure majority needed to name new prime minister.

First Day of Consultations: Opposition to Defeat Hariri
24/01/2011 Democratically and institutionally, the head of the caretaker government Saad Hariri is expected to face a serious defeat in the few coming hours…  Hariri, who claims to head the “parliamentary majority,” doesn’t seem to be heading towards securing enough votes to remain prime minister.  In contrast, the opposition’s candidate former Prime Minister Najib Mikati seems to be heading towards achieving victory, despite the fact that he announced his candidacy not based on “challenge” for anyone.  Before the binding parliamentary consultations began Monday at the Baabda Presidential Palace as scheduled, the battle between the two main candidates had started Sunday night.

Hands off Lebanon, says Arab Affairs Committee
BEIRUT: The Arab Affairs committee of Egypt's Parliament urged all regional and international powers Monday to "take their hands off" Lebanon and rejected any attempts to "internationalize" Lebanon's political crisis.

Livni admires Fouad Sanyurah
"I admire Siniora and how he faced Hizbollah. But at the time that he sits as a head of government, there are arms that come to Hizbollah, and these arms are a threat to Siniora himself and to Israel." [end]

Men in black
When Hizbullah men dressed in black t-shirts took to the streets last week in a silent show of force, the entire media of March 14 protested against the "street hooliganism" of the other side. Today, the March 14 gangs took to the streets, shot at people, threw rocks, and set cars and garbage on fire.  That is civilized forms of protest, of course. [end]

This is March 14
Watch the images of thugs and Salafis--both are key components of March 14--trying to attack and lynch crews of Aljazeera and New TV.  Matthew, a Western reporter in the Middle East, sent me this under the headline "Just imagine the response if this was Hizballah's people doing this."  PS This is not to maintain that the other side, March 8, does not have thugs in its midst.  Of course, it does: the Amal Movement is part of March 8 after all. But it is high time that the Western media reconsider its view and perception of what constitutes March 14.

Ironies of Lebanon
The US has been stressing the need to stick to the democratic process and not to resort to "street" in Lebanon.  But when Hizbullah outmaneuvered its rivals by arranging for the annoying billionaire (a charlatan and opportunist who is at least not dumb like mini-Hariri), Najib Miqati, to be named prime minister, the Hariri camp went wild. Street protests all over and blatant threats to other Sunnis and sectarian speeches of the most vulgar variety.  For the US (just as in Iraq among its puppets), this is what Feltman regards democracy of the highest order.  [end]

Jeffrey Feltman boys in Lebanon: Bin Laden boys too
Nir Rosen in the section on Lebanon in his book Aftermath chides Western reporters in Lebanon for not venturing outside of Beirut (or it should be said outside a section of Beirut).   You see that in the coverage of Lebanon in the last few days and in the next few days.  Today, Hariri goons and thugs in North Lebanon and Biqa` and Beirut were leading closure of streets and violent protests that did not spare news crews of "rival" TV stations and newspapers.  The protests in the North (which will be crowned tomorrow with a Day of Protest) are led by the Bin Ladenite, MP, Khalid Dahir (who orchestrated the Halba massacre).  Those are ALSO part of the March 14 coalition but you would not know it from the Western coverage.  The protests of Al-Biqa` are led by Shaykh Khalil Al-Mays who basically personally led the effort to recruit fighters for Zarqawi.  He also is part and parcel of March 14.  Tomorrow will get uglier and things are likely to get out of hand.  I expect the nominated prime minister, Najib Miqati, to buckle under the pressure from Hariri street thugs (and to pressure from House of Saud).  That could usher in a period of long deadlock, unless March 8 decides to go provocative and antagonistic and in that case, they will nominate the secular Arab nationalist, Usamah Sa`d. [end]

STL and the Dangerous Manipulation of Lebanon, Mohamed El Mokhtar 
There is no doubt that the killing of the late Lebanese Premier Minister was an unwarranted criminal act. There is no doubt that it caused a great deal of unnecessary suffering and wanton destruction to the entire country and beyond. And there is no question that the people directly responsible of this type of cowardly act of violence should be brought to justice and held accountable for their criminal behavior. No country can ever freely thrive, prosper or promote democratic change, or establish a sound system of governance or justice, if it remains so often marred, as is the case of Lebanon, by a non-ending sporadic spade of unpunished criminal activities, extrajudicial assassinations and targeted political murders. It is nonsense. Such climate of unlawfulness and anarchy has to stop for the country to peacefully evolve and live with serenity.

Monday: 29 Iraqis Killed, 180 Wounded
As Arbaeen observances culminate, the violence towards pilgrims continues. At least 29 were killed and 180 more were wounded in attacks across the country, but the deadliest occurred just outside Karbala. While most of the casualties, if not all, were Iraqi, some of the pilgrims may have been foreigners. Meanwhile, new allegations against an elite security force overseen directly by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki are surfacing.

Iraq mosque muezzin killed in armed attack
The muezzin of Al Tawfiq Mosque Mohammed Khalil Al Alwani was killed in an armed attack by unknown gunmen in central Fallujah, a police source in Anbar province said. Iraq’s Army arrested 8 suspects including Sami Mohammed Ali, the Imam of Al Qor’an and Sunna Mosque in Abu Ghreib District.

Thousands defy violence, mark Muslim rite in Iraq (Reuters)
Reuters - Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims marched and beat their heads and chests in ritualistic mourning in a major rite in Iraq's holy Shi'ite city of Kerbala on Tuesday, after attacks that killed dozens in recent days.

Iraq central bank chief fears assets at risk (AFP)
AFP - Iraq's central bank governor said on Tuesday a court ruling putting the bank under cabinet supervision could threaten its assets abroad and open the door for international creditors to lay claim to its deposits.

Iraq minister denies prisoner abuse (AFP)
AFP - The minister in charge of Iraqi prisons on Monday denied that a security force linked to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has been holding detainees for months without access to lawyers or their families.

Critics alarmed as Iraq's Maliki centralizes power
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has won a court ruling placing independent bodies like the central bank and the electoral agency under the cabinet, a centralization of power that critics are calling a "coup."

Poor economy hampering Iraq refugee return: UNHCR (AFP)
AFP - Unemployment and socio-economic problems, and not violence, are the biggest barrier holding Iraqi refugees from returning to their country, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said Monday.

Tunisia and it's Aftermath in the Arab World
Protests erupt anew in Yemen, Algeria, Tunisia
Drawing inspiration from the revolt in Tunisia, thousands of Yemenis fed up with their president's 32-year rule demanded his ouster on Saturday in a noisy demonstration that appeared to be the first large-scale public challenge to the strongman.

Talks underway for new Tunisia govt
Politicians said to be meeting to negotiate the creation of a committe of "wise men" to replace current government.

Egypt protests and the demonstration effect of Tunisia
Shouts of 'Tunis' and 'down with Mubarak' at Egypt protests.

Egypt warns protesters of arrest
Egyptian activists have called for a mass rally on Tuesday dubbed as the "Day of Wrath".

Yemen releases jailed activists in the face of Tunisia-inspired protesters
Yemen today released nearly three dozen activists, including Towakil Karman, who had led Tunisia-inspired protests last week calling for President Saleh to step down.

Andrew Hammond in Tunisia
Andrew Hammond, the seasoned and Arabic speaking correspondent of Reuters, sent me this from Tunisia (I cite with his permission):  "I've been in Tunisia for last week and interesting developments in media. State TV swiftly became pro-uprising when Ben Ali left and most state media outlets remains led by a control network that was led by Abdelwahhab Abdallah, Ben Ali's Goebbels. Abdallah has disappeared and is being sought by police and his home in Marsa, affluent Tunis suburb, has been vandalised. But these heads are now crouching in their offices and the staff have taken over the editorial line. in case of Assabah newspaper it is now without an owner, since Sakher al-Materi, Ben Ali's son in law, fled. with state TV, although they have discussion shows with rights activists and politicians who never were seen on TV before, there is a general attempt one senses, through montages and description of "people's revolution of freedom and dignity", to say hey, the revolution happened, thanks, now let's all go home.

Party of the Indigenous of the Republic, "International Declaration of Support for the Tunisian Revolution"
Historical experience has shown that, confronted with dynamics of this magnitude, the powerful of the world over, those who perpetuate oppression and exploitation, will not stop attempting to reduce its reach, cut its roots, and, if the threat persists, destroy it with violence. In Tunisia, as happened in other places, we have no doubt that some, starting mostly from within the services of the imperialist states, are preparing the counter-revolution to repress the popular mobilization once and for all. This is why we, activists, intellectuals, citizens, all committed to democracy and social justice, welcome the Tunisian people and its Revolution of dignity. We give our unconditional solidarity to their efforts to deepen the democratic process and we commit to be on their side to preserve their achievements and to oppose all counter-revolutionary attempts.

The Rapper of the Tunisian Revoltuions
Tunisia seems like a nice quite country with not much action of any type, but the past few weeks tell us that inaccurate. In the past few weeks more than tens people have lost their lives protesting the high unemployment in their country. That was brutal of the police, the army and their intelligence. Now the President is out running of his life and a new government is in the making.

U.S. and Other World News
US Case Against Wikileaks’ Julian Assange Collapses, Juan Cole
The US government, according to NBC correspondent Jim Miklaszewski, now admits that it cannot tie Pfc. Bradley Manning to Wikileaks leader Julian Assange. The military also admitted that Manning was put on suicide watch improperly twice last week by the base commander at Quantico, essentially as a form of punishment and with no consultation with psychiatrists. During the watch they took his glasses from him so he could not read.

Wikileaks: Jordan offered increased support in Afghanistan in exchange for econ aid
A secret cable sent by U.S. Ambassador in Amman, Stephen Beecroft, to Washington earlier last year revealed that Jordanian government and military officials offered Washington a bundle of support measures in Afghanistan, including increasing the number of Jordanian troops there and sending fighter jets to participate in special missions.

Rights group slams Egypt treatment of Copts
BRUSSELS (AFP) -- The US-based Human Rights Watch accused Egypt of "widespread discrimination" against its Christian and other religious minorities in its annual report for 2010 released Monday, which also highlights repression of political dissent.


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