Friday, January 7


Never in my political life have I seen an 'episode' such as the Pollard Affair. When he was arrested almost three decades ago for spying on the United States for Israel it made headline news. But.... it was 'news' that apparently not too many folks were interested in reading about so it was kept pretty quiet.

From the beginning it reminded me of the opening lines of a TV drama called 'Mission Impossible' which were "the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions". That is basically what happened, Israel disavowed any knowledge of his actions. The price of telling the truth was too high a risk to lose 3 BILLION dollars a year.

But the chutzpah of it all.... Israel spying on it's best friend, the very source that literally keeps them on the map. The United States has every right to carry out and continue the life sentence that Pollard received. Israel thinks otherwise at this point and has lately pressured the US government for his release, even 'promising' a settlement freeze in exchange. The most recent round of chutzpah emerged this past week as can be seen in THIS report.

It is quickly forgotten by too many that Pollard is not the first, and certainly won't be the last who was caught for spying for Israel. I see his incarceration as the example of why not to do these things... simple and to the point! You just don't treat 'friends' as if they were your enemy. It is not just Pollard that must learn this lesson, it's the entire state of Israel.

Needless to say, our resident 'Psycho Gal' disagrees with me and emotionally presents the following....


With her illogical 'logic', Bernard Madoff should also be released because he is Jewish. BTW, the two are in the same Federal Prison.

Pollard's wife also tries to pull at our heartstrings in this interview....

Ms. Pollard claims that '26 years is enough' ..... ummmmm what about the 63 years that the entire nation of Palestine has been imprisoned by Israel? Was there justice for Palestine before Pollard? Will there be if he's released??
Was there Peace before Pollard? Will there be if he's released??

C'mon guys, lets get real!  It would be in the best interest of Israel to drop this and concentrate on reality... that being the creation of Justice and Peace in the region ..... Pollard will and should rot where he is, and justifiably so.

A satirical essay on the Pollard affair can be seen HERE.


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