Tuesday, January 25

It is time that Tunisia invades Egypt !!!

who would bomb the Copts ??

According to the BBC :

A small Palestinian group linked to al-Qaeda was behind the New Year's Day bomb attack on a church in Alexandria in which 23 people died, Egypt says.
Interior Minister Habib al-Adli said Cairo had "decisive proof" that the Army of Islam carried out the attack in the northern Egyptian city.
The Gaza-based group immediately denied any responsibility for the attack.
Officials in Egypt have so far released very few details how they believe the attack was carried out.

According to Raja  Chemayel :

The Egyptian Government thinks that everybody is an idiot

According to Sherlock Hommos :

The biggest idiot would be the one who assumes
that everybody else is as idiot  as he is.

According to Eng  Moustafa Roosenbloom :

There is always an idiot ready to believe any idiocy.

According to the logic :

If and when anyone in Gaza would have a spare bomb,
there are many other better places to plant them........
and the most obvious question would be :
since when are the Copts enemies of Palestinians ??

It is high-time that Tunisia invades Egypt !!!

Raja Chemayel

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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