Thursday, December 30

Top Fatah body revokes Dahlan's powers

He will no longer be allowed to attend the meetings of the Fatah Central Committee.

    Ramallah: The Central Fatah Committee decided yesterday to freeze the membership of Mohammad Dahlan in the group's top decision-making body until an investigative committee completes its inquiries into the Fatah leader on variouus charges.

    Dahlan will no longer be allowed to attend the meetings of the Fatah Central Committee.

    The panel also stripped Dahlan of his senior position in the Fatah hierarchy as official spokesman for the group and commissioner in charge of culture and media in the group.


    The committee appointed Nabeel Abu Rudainah in the position of the official spokesman for Fatah.


    A senior Fatah official told Gulf News that the Fatah Central Committee, in its meeting, mainly aimed at discussing the case of Dahlan, with the committee waiting for the final recommendations and outcome of the investigation committee set by the Palestinian Presidency, the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) to interrogate Dahlan on several charges.


    Political dissent


    The official said that Dahlan was accused of making acquaintances in a bid to weaken the position of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, along with other charges which directly hurt Abbas and his family. Dahlan was accused of supporting members of the Palestinian military apparatus whose loyalty was limited to himself by providing them money and arms.


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