Tuesday, November 23

A Zionist Anarchy

1938 Referendum
1938 Nazi Referendum | 2010 in Israel
German Text:
Step by Step Adolf Hitler ripped up the dictated Treaty of Versailles!
1933 Germany leaves the League of Nations created by Versailles
1934 Reconstruction of the Wehrmacht, the navy and the Luftwaffe begun!
1935 Saarland brought back home! Armed power of the Reich regained!
1936 Rheinland completely liberated!
1937 The myth of war guilt ceremoniously extinguished!
1938 Germany and Austria united in the Reich! Greater Germany achieved! Therefore the whole of Germany will acknowledge their liberator on 10th April. Adolf Hitler All say: YES!

Important Notice

On November 19, 2010, a false abuse accusation was placed on this website by Zionist Americans, a group which includes a prominent GOP member. If removed by the actual provider, the website would be generously hosted by Sydney based Rebel Media Group. Please support my ongoing activity.

Today, November 22, 2010, The Knesset is expected to pass a bill conditioning any retreat from territories Israel considers to be under its sovereignty upon the holding of a popular referendum. This refers explicitly to the Golan Heights and Eastern Jerusalem, which were illegally annexed by Israel. Even the Zionists-complacent USA doesn’t recognize the annexations. The move is endorsed by the ruling party, the Likud.
This is a misleading move. Those opposing Israel couldn’t care less and probably wouldn’t even note the move. For the Western media, it would be presented as a win of democratic forces. Accordingly, MK Einat Wilf (Labor, opposes the bill) said yesterday that “Israel is one of the few states in the world that have survived contiguously as a democracy for over six decades, and it has done so as a parliamentary democracy, in which the Knesset is the supreme political institution representing the sovereignty of the people.” The Western media will quote the Likud and Labor positions and conclude it is witnessing a remarkable democratic process.
Sadly, that’s not so, the Zionists did manage once again to throw sand on the Western media eyes. Israel lacks a constitution. A recent system of Basic Laws was designed to function as a quasi-constitution but it doesn’t assure human rights, and – even worse – these laws can be exchanged as per the coalition needs by the parliament. This last process did already occur in the past. Emphasizing Israel's sovereignty was conditioned on its respecting human rights is important.
Moreover, under the current system, many Palestinians living on territories annexed by Israel do not have voting rights, while Jewish settlers living outside territories recognized by Israel as its own, are allowed to vote. Other Israeli citizens abroad are not allowed to vote. Overall, this is a discriminating system which cannot be part of any state defined as a democracy.
Even under this undemocratic system, the ruling party has difficulties enforcing its position. Thus it is attempting to change the rules so that it would win. This is a major sin of the Zionist regime. You cannot exchange the basic social contract of a society in order to win a specific decision. This is not democratic, but manipulative and Machiavellian, especially when parts of the population are secluded from the process and others enjoy unfair advantages. More and more, the Zionist Anarchy is forced to use undemocratic steps in order to assure its survival. This is another reminder of its intrinsic weakness and that – soon – freedom and justice will prevail.

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