Help save (the) amazon!
People are always asking me, "What can I do to help end the occupation?" One thing I do is keep track of all the great ideas out there, and offer them up to our supporters. A clever idea I recently discovered is to take the boycott movement to the online retail industry, which is rife with products that support the Israeli occupation. CodePink pioneered this great opportunity to take them on. This holiday season, join us to "save (the) amazon." Help us tell occupation-supporting companies exactly what we think of their products. By simply submitting an Amazon product review, you can let shoppers know that supporting companies who benefit from the occupation is wrong. Would you buy products tested on animals, or that you know to be environmentally destructive, or exploit child labor? If you know that a product harms others or violates international law, shouldn't you boycott it? Let shoppers know that Ahava products are "Stolen Beauty," that wearing CAT clothing is not cool, and to "hang up on Motorola!" We'll share the best reviews you write – or record on video – and bring media attention to the boycott movement. Amazon, the largest online retailer, is home to virtually all consumer products, including Motorola gadgets, Ahava skin creams, and many other boycott-able goods that generate profit from the Israeli occupation. To join "save (the) amazon," simply commit to writing a customer review on, telling shoppers it's wrong to buy products that generate profit from stolen resources. Amazon invites its shoppers to do just that. Here's the first line of their General Review Creation Guidelines: "Amazon wants your opinions to be heard We want customers to get the information they need to make smart buying choices, and we'd love to have your help doing that. As an Amazon customer, you can submit written or video reviews for items listed on We encourage you to share your opinions, both favorable and unfavorable." Some companies and products that directly benefit from the occupation are: Caterpillar, Motorola, Ahava, Sabra and Osem. Do an Amazon search and comment on a product of your choice. There are thousands to choose from. Comment with the fewest stars and most critical wording to draw attention to the inhumanity of stealing Palestinian resources and imposing apartheid. Here's an example about Ahava skin cream:  Join us and commit to "save (the) amazon" this holiday season, and encourage your friends to do the same! While you're on, be sure to see our 2010 Office Wish List, a new way to donate to our work! Thanks for reading, and all that you do to help End the Occupation. Yours,  Rob Mosrie Executive Director | Follow Us: Facebook Twitter YouTube Blogger Vimeo Support Our Work:  While you're on, be sure to see our 2010 Office Wish List, a new way to donate to o
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