Tuesday, November 9

Exciting Al-Awda Photo Project: Submit Your Photos

Dear All, 
Al-Awda is working on an exciting photo project and your photos could be selected to be part of it (with photo credit of course). Here is what we are looking for:
1) Photos of actual doors to houses in Palestine.
 If possible please list the name of the owner (if its a refugee please note that as well).

2) Photos of old house keys.
Again with the name of the owner if possible.

Specifications: The photos should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi for a small 3" x 5" photo, but the higher resolution the better. Maximum file size is 25 mb (this is the max Gmail can accept). If you are not sure if you're image meets the requirements, go ahead and email it and we will let you know.

Deadline: Please e-mail photos by November 19 to awdaphotos@gmail.com
For any further questions e-mail Mona Kadah or Alia Hasan at 

In Solidarity,
Mona Kadah

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