Sunday, November 7

Bush: “Israel’s” War on Lebanon Strengthened its Democracy بوش: حرب إسرائيل على لبنان عزّزت ديمقراطيته! [1 Attachment]

Subject:                          Bush: "Israel's" War on Lebanon Strengthened its Democracy ÈæÔ: ÍÑÈ ÅÓÑÇÆíá Úáì áÈäÇä ÚÒøÒÊ ÏíãÞÑÇØíÊå!



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ÈæÔ: ÍÑÈ ÅÓÑÇÆíá Úáì áÈäÇä ÚÒøÒÊ ÏíãæÞÑÇØíÊå!!!



Please watch & share this video with all your friends:

Zionism: Ideology of Genocide

Bush Shoe Attack Video least GWB deserves ÃÞá ãÇ íÓÊÃåáå ÈæÔ

Watch video of an Iraqi journalist hurling his shoes at President Bush at a

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'Ladies and Gentlemen - Please meet America's public enemy number one!

ÈæÔ: ÇÍÐÑæÇ ÇáÍÞíÞÉgeorge w bush cartoons, george w bush cartoon, george w bush picture, george w bush pictures, george w bush image, george w bush images, george w bush illustration, george w bush illustrations


Bush: "Israel's" War on Lebanon                                                           strengthened its Democracy!!!

Former US President, George W. Bush considered in his memoirs "Moments of Decision" that the "Israeli" war on Lebanon in July 2006 contributed to the weakening of Hezbollah and strengthened what he used to call "the newly born democracy in Lebanon". He as well uncovered that the destruction of the Syrian Deir Ezour site was among "Moments of Decision" that he almost took, in response of an "Israeli" demand, had it not been for his fear of its repercussions, but he told the Zionist entity about the establishment; so it attacked it by which the "Israeli" Prime Minister" Ehud Olmert regained his self confidence which he lost due to his aggression on Lebanon.

About the July war, Bush said: "The newly born democracy in Lebanon became stronger due to this aggression, because it bore the experiment", but "the results for 'Israel' were various", and "its campaign against Lebanon weakened Hezbollah and helped it to protect its border" but "'Israel's' shaken military performance cost it international credibility". But facts on the ground contradicts Bush's usual unfounded lies…

Bush added in his memoirs, that is due distribution within days, he wrote that after a short while of receiving a report speaking about "A well enforced suspicious establishment in the Syrian Eastern desert". He contacted Olmert, who told him: "George, I want you to bombard the compound". Of course how could a US President deny an order from the Zionist entity's order… something unbelievable and incredible!!!

The US claims, like it did with the case of Iraq the lie about "Weapons of Mass Destruction" to justify invading and destroying Iraq, which was we say without doubt it was a Zionist order, that this site that the Zionist entity bombarded in 2007 was also an atomic reactor for developing atomic weapons, which was denied by Damascus. Bush received a report from the head of the Central Bureau Intelligence, Mike Hidden, at the time, saying that analysts have full confidence that this establishment used to contain an atomic reactor, but they are less sure of the presence of a Syrian atomic weapons program.


Bush says in his memoirs that he discussed the matter with his group of Central National Security, as well as "thinking" of bombarding the compound, "But bombarding a sovereign state without warning, announcement or justification shall result with a "strong reaction" as per the consideration of the former president.

Among the considered other options, was a secret strike, but the US Administration found out that the entering of a secret group into Syria, destroying the site and returning without being discovered is a great and serious risk.

Bush added that he told Olmert, "I cannot justify an attack on a sovereign state without having the intelligence agencies telling me that there is such a weapon program".

Olmert was disappointed of Bush's suggesting a strategy to employ diplomacy with a threatening in using of force in dealing with Syria, which made Olmert tell Bush: "Your policy is too disturbing for me"!!!

Bush denied what he called a rumor, that he gave "Israel" the "green light" to attack the site, and Olmert didn't ask for a green light, and he didn't give it, He did what he considered is the right action to protect Israel! Of course he is saying so to justify the Zionist entity's act of war on a sovereign state, as if protecting its safety justifies all sort of atrocities, and as per all US Administrations Tel Aviv's security is as important as that of Washington or more, doesn't the attack on the USS Liberty that resulted with a warning to the survivals of the crew that by President Johnson if any of its members opens his mouth about the Zionist entity's attack on the US war ship will be court marshaled, and the president's order to his navy to "Sink that F… ship". Is it not the US official policy that "Israel's" military strength should exceed that of all Arab states combined.

While on the subject, Washington warned Damascus, this week in Vienna, that it shall face action by the Board of Governors of the International Agency for Atomic Energy, if it refuses to permit international inspectors to reach the remnants of the site.




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Top 100 Funny Bush Pictures

View a collection of cartoons, doctored photos, and other funny pictures helping

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2.   Funny George Bush Pictures - Bush Cartoons - Funny Pictures

A hilarious collection of funny pictures, political cartoons, doctored photos, and parodies poking fun at President George W. Bush - updated regularly. - Cached - Similar



بحث مهاجمة منشأة دير الزور وأبلغ أولمرت عنها

بوش: حرب إسرائيل على لبنان عزّزت ديموقراطيته!!!



Please watch & share this video with all your friends:

Zionism: Ideology of Genocide

Bush Shoe Attack Video least GWB deserves أقل ما يستأهله بوش

Watch video of an Iraqi journalist hurling his shoes at President Bush at a

Bottom of Form

'Ladies and Gentlemen - Please meet America's public enemy number one!

بوش: احذروا الحقيقةgeorge w bush cartoons, george w bush cartoon, george w bush picture, george w bush pictures, george w bush image, george w bush images, george w bush illustration, george w bush illustrations


Bush: "Israel's" War on Lebanon                                                           strengthened its Democracy!!!

Former US President, George W. Bush considered in his memoirs "Moments of Decision" that the "Israeli" war on Lebanon in July 2006 contributed to the weakening of Hezbollah and strengthened what he used to call "the newly born democracy in Lebanon". He as well uncovered that the destruction of the Syrian Deir Ezour site was among "Moments of Decision" that he almost took, in response of an "Israeli" demand, had it not been for his fear of its repercussions, but he told the Zionist entity about the establishment; so it attacked it by which the "Israeli" Prime Minister" Ehud Olmert regained his self confidence which he lost due to his aggression on Lebanon.

About the July war, Bush said: "The newly born democracy in Lebanon became stronger due to this aggression, because it bore the experiment", but "the results for 'Israel' were various", and "its campaign against Lebanon weakened Hezbollah and helped it to protect its border" but "'Israel's' shaken military performance cost it international credibility". But facts on the ground contradicts Bush's usual unfounded lies…

Bush added in his memoirs, that is due distribution within days, he wrote that after a short while of receiving a report speaking about "A well enforced suspicious establishment in the Syrian Eastern desert". He contacted Olmert, who told him: "George, I want you to bombard the compound". Of course how could a US President deny an order from the Zionist entity's order… something unbelievable and incredible!!!

The US claims, like it did with the case of Iraq the lie about "Weapons of Mass Destruction" to justify invading and destroying Iraq, which was we say without doubt it was a Zionist order, that this site that the Zionist entity bombarded in 2007 was also an atomic reactor for developing atomic weapons, which was denied by Damascus. Bush received a report from the head of the Central Bureau Intelligence, Mike Hidden, at the time, saying that analysts have full confidence that this establishment used to contain an atomic reactor, but they are less sure of the presence of a Syrian atomic weapons program.


Bush says in his memoirs that he discussed the matter with his group of Central National Security, as well as "thinking" of bombarding the compound, "But bombarding a sovereign state without warning, announcement or justification shall result with a "strong reaction" as per the consideration of the former president.

Among the considered other options, was a secret strike, but the US Administration found out that the entering of a secret group into Syria, destroying the site and returning without being discovered is a great and serious risk.

Bush added that he told Olmert, "I cannot justify an attack on a sovereign state without having the intelligence agencies telling me that there is such a weapon program".

Olmert was disappointed of Bush's suggesting a strategy to employ diplomacy with a threatening in using of force in dealing with Syria, which made Olmert tell Bush: "Your policy is too disturbing for me"!!!

Bush denied what he called a rumor, that he gave "Israel" the "green light" to attack the site, and Olmert didn't ask for a green light, and he didn't give it, He did what he considered is the right action to protect Israel! Of course he is saying so to justify the Zionist entity's act of war on a sovereign state, as if protecting its safety justifies all sort of atrocities, and as per all US Administrations Tel Aviv's security is as important as that of Washington or more, doesn't the attack on the USS Liberty that resulted with a warning to the survivals of the crew that by President Johnson if any of its members opens his mouth about the Zionist entity's attack on the US war ship will be court marshaled, and the president's order to his navy to "Sink that F… ship". Is it not the US official policy that "Israel's" military strength should exceed that of all Arab states combined.

While on the subject, Washington warned Damascus, this week in Vienna, that it shall face action by the Board of Governors of the International Agency for Atomic Energy, if it refuses to permit international inspectors to reach the remnants of the site.




بحث مهاجمة منشأة دير الزور وأبلغ أولمرت عنها

بوش: حرب إسرائيل على لبنان عزّزت ديموقراطيته!!!


اعتبر الرئيس الاميركي السابق جورج بوش في مذكراته «لحظات القرار» ان الحرب الاسرائيلية على لبنان في تموز العام 2006، ساهمت في اضعاف «حزب الله» وتقوية ما كان يسميه الديموقراطية الوليدة في لبنان. كما كشف ان تدمير موقع دير الزور السوري كان من بين «لحظات القرار» التي كاد أن يتخذها، تلبية لطلب إسرائيلي، لولا أنه أحجم خشيةً تداعياتها، لكنه ابلغ إسرائيل بالمنشأة فقامت بمهاجمتها «ليستعيد» بذلك رئيس الوزراء ايهود أولمرت الثقة التي فقدها جراء العدوان على لبنان
وعن حرب تموز، قال بوش أن الديموقراطية الوليدة في لبنان باتت أقوى جراء هذا العدوان، لأنها تحمّلت الاختبار، لكن «النتيجة بالنسبة لإسرائيل كانت متنوعة»، فـ«حملتها العسكرية أضعفت حزب الله وساعدتها على حماية حدودها»، ولكن «أداء الإسرائيليين العسكري المهتزّ كلّفهم المصداقية الدولية».
وفي مذكراته «لحظات القرار»، التي ستُطرح للبيع في المكتبات بدءاً من الثلاثاء المقبل، كتب بوش أنه بعد فترة وجيزة من تلقيه تقريراً استخباراتياً يتحدث عن «منشأة مريبة جيدة التحصين في الصحراء الشرقية لسوريا»، اتصل بأولمرت الذي قال: «جـورج، إنني أطلب منك أن تقصف المجمع».
وتزعم الولايات المتحدة أن الموقع السوري، الذي دّمرته إسرائيل في أيلول 2007، كان مفاعلاً لتطوير أسلحة نووية، وهو ما نفته دمشق. وتلقى بوش تقييما من رئيس وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية آنذاك مايك هايدن، قال فيه أن المحللين كانت لديهم ثقة عالية في أن المنشأة كانت تضم مفاعلا نوويا، لكنهم اقل ثقة في وجود برنامج أسلحة نووية سوري.
ويقول بوش انه ناقش الخيارات مع فريقه للأمن القومي، كما جرى «التفكير» في قصف المجمع، «لكن قصف دولة ذات سيادة دون تحذير أو إعلان أو تبرير سيؤدي إلى رد فعل حاد» بحسب ما اعتبر الرئيس الاميركي السابق.
وكان من بين الخيارات الأخرى التي نوقشت، توجيه ضربة سرية، إلا أن الإدارة الأميركية آنذاك وجدت أن دخول فريق سري إلى سوريا وتدمير الموقع والعودة دون أن يكتشفه احد يعد مخاطرة كبيرة.
وكتب بوش، في مذكراته، انه قال لأولمرت «لا يمكنني أن أبرر هجوما على دولة ذات سيادة ما لم تقف وكالات الاستخبارات عندي لتقول انه برنامج أسلحة».
وشعر أولمرت بخيبة الأمل بسبب قرار بوش باقتراح إستراتيجية تستخدم الدبلوماسية مع التهديد باستخدام القوة للتعامل مع سوريا بشأن المنشأة، ما حدا بأولمرت أن يقول لبوش «سياستك مزعجة جدا لي».
ونفى بوش ما شاع آنذاك بأنه أعطى إسرائيل «الضوء الأخضر» لشن الهجوم على المنشأة، فـ«رئيس الوزراء أولمرت لم يطلب ضوءا أخضر ولم أعطه ضوءا أخضر. لقد فعل ما قدّر أنه ضروري لحماية إسرائيل».
وبينما رفض مكتب اولمرت التعليق على ما جاء في الكتاب، اعتبر بوش أن تنفيذ اولمرت للضربة ضد المنشأة السورية عوض الثقة التي فقدها في أوساط الإسرائيليين خلال عدوان تموز 2006 على لبنان.
وفي سياق متصل، حذّرت واشنطن دمشق، أمس في فيينا، من أنها قد تواجه إجراء ما من قبل مجلس حكام الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية، إذا رفضت منح المفتشين الدوليين الإذن للوصول إلى بقايا الموقع.

Top 100 Funny Bush Pictures

View a collection of cartoons, doctored photos, and other funny pictures helping

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2.   Funny George Bush Pictures - Bush Cartoons - Funny Pictures

A hilarious collection of funny pictures, political cartoons, doctored photos, and parodies poking fun at President George W. Bush - updated regularly.


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