Monday, November 8

The Anti-Semitic Side of Zionism (must watch)

1. Gilad Atzmon: The Anti-Semitic Side of Zionism (must watch)

If you are interested in Jewish political power and Zionist morbidity you must find the time to watch the first forty minutes of this incredible Israeli documentary. The film outlines what early Zionists thought of their Diaspora Jewish brothers, Jewish wealth, Jewish war mongering and Jewish power.

I do not know much at all about the people behind this film, except that they belong to the Israeli Ultra Orthodox sector. The film is there to expose the inherent anti Jewish discrimination within the Zionist discourse.

It is there to prove that Zionism is deeply anti- Semitic. The film is well made and very well researched, and the shocking quotes it outlines are all genuine.  

In case you fail to realise the role of Jewish wealth, the impact of AIPAC, Lord Cash point Levy, the Conservative Friends of Israel, and other relentless Jewish lobbies, Benjamin Ze'ev Herzl (the founder of modern political Zionism) doesn't seem to mince his words.

Just five minutes into the documentary, Herzl is quoted as saying: "The wealthy Jews control the world…In their hands lies the fate of government and nations" (4:59)


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