Sunday, October 10

Science Fair at Bethlehem University, Israeli torture and more

Video: Students at Bethlehem University put together a very successful science fair despite limited resources
Palestinian Sam Bahour's take on the peace process [in a Jewish publication]
Are the Israeli occupation tasks outsourced to US trained Palestinian forces?
Detailed article on Israeli-American-Palestinian security “cooperation”
Action Call for International Solidarity: Stop raids against US anti-war activists and international solidarity activists
IDF learns lessons from Turkish flotilla: Oketz unit dogs will be first to go aboard, keep area sterile until soldiers arrive
Right wing settler leader runs over two palestinian Children in occupied Jerusalem. The settler leader helps bring settlers to live in Silwan, E Jerusalem where homes are being demolished under the guise of the "city of David" colonial project
Israeli soldier dancing and taunting blindfolded Palestinian woman

and the woman filmed here describes torture, humiliation
[more fascist state action] Israel expels Nobel peace laureate over Gaza protest
Video of Great Boycott Action in France (English subtitles) but there is a crackdown on activists and we need you to speak to European MPs, see 
Jewish population in Israel is declining: Despite a million immigrants over the past two decades, the percentage of Jews in the Israeli population is declining.
This argument in Israel between Zionists about "demographics" is itself revealing about the level of racism engendered in the notion of wanting maximum geography with minimum demography (of the native inhabitants)
Israeli Rabbi: Honey-pot sex is kosher for female Mossad agents
Rabbi Ari Schvat's ruling appeared in a study, 'Illicit sex for the sake of national security,' published by the Tzomet Institute, which studies the interface between religion and modernity.
Israel's Netanyahu backs Jewish loyalty oath
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People,

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