Tuesday, October 26

Protestors Denounce Peace Treaty with Israel on 16th anniversary

Protestors Denounce Peace Treaty with Israel on 16th anniversary 
   By Amal Ghabayen

AMMONNEWS- Dozens of Activists and members of Jordanian professional associations demonstrated on Tuesday near the Israeli Embassy in Amman in protest of the Wadi Araba peace agreement with Israel, signed 16 years ago.

The protest, held in front of Al Kaluti Mosque, was organized by the Committee for the Protection of the Homeland and Anti-Normalization, which is part of the Jordanian Professional Associations. Protestors condemned the peace treaty and called for repealing it. Others called for shutting down the Israeli Embassy in Amman, and boycotting Israeli goods.

Secretary General of the Islamic Action Front (IAF), Hamza Mansur, said in his statement that "Accepting the Wadi Araba Treaty is a considered recognition of the Zionist entity and a formal withdrawal of the central cause of the Arabs [the Palestinian cause]. "

Mansur added that the treaty has caused a deterioration of economic conditions which led to the proliferation of corruption and social violence.

The Islamist leader called on Jordanians to boycott Israeli products and support the Palestinians in their steadfastness and confrontation of the racist policies adopted by Israel.

Mansur also called on the Jordanian government to release the former soldier Ahmad Dagamseh (who is serving a life sentence for the March 13, 1997 killing of seven Israeli schoolgirls in the Baqoura area on the Jordanian-Israeli border), and reconsider its alliance with the United States' administration.

On his part, Head of the IAF Shura Council, Ali ABu Sukkar, said in statements to 'Ammon News' that the treaty, 16 years since it was passed, has not bore any benefits to Jordan, but rather only caused negative repercussions.

Regarding treaty opposition campaigns, Abu Sukkar said that the campaigns had achieved impressive results in changing the mindset of Jordanian society and its dealing with the Zionist entity, which also reinforced such opposition on a popular level.

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