Thursday, October 7

A new Israeli colonial outpost and more

A new Israeli colonial outpost appeared near the colonies of Nokdim, Tekoa and Kfar El-David in the past few weeks.  The new outpost consists of several caravans and semi-permanent structures in a valley to the east of the El-David colonial settlement.  It sits on land belonging to people from Jib Atheib, Zaatara, and Dawahra.  We toured the site October 1, 2010 with locals Hassan Breijiya and Mubarak Zawahra and two international observers from EAPPI.  This video summarizes the situation in the area.
We will have olive picking in the area threatened by the settlers there.  To join us email me
'Early detection saves lives'. Patient's Friends Society - Jerusalem announces major cancer awareness event. Location: Bethlehem University (in co-operation with the College of Nursing and Health Sciences). Saturday 9th October from 10:00 – 15:00 see  and become a friend at our Facebook page:  
Israeli (in)justice system needs to be challenged.
Ameer Makhoul's day in Court by Dr. Hatim Kanaaneh
A Nobel Peace Prize laureate in prison: If the court indeed deports Mairead Corrigan-Maguire we'll know that our court system is also tainted to the teeth
Israeli settlers set fire to a mosque in Beit Fajjar near Bethlehem.  This comes after a series of such attacks in which settler's promised to respond to the government move to curb settlements or on any international support for Palestinian rights by a policy of exacting "price tags".
Join us: World Economics Forum, Palestine
Donate to UNRWA (UNRWA is facing an 80 million deficit this year). You can donate tax deductible in the US via friends of UNRWA.
CNN fired anchor Rick Sanchez for saying something about how many Jews are in position of power at CNN (thus proving the point).  I disagree with Sanchez on many things including his  conservative bias and the tenor of his statement but he has an absolute right of freedom of speech.  We must all cherish that and demand respect for it (the witch hunt is now on for anyone that opposes Zionist Jews but attacks on Muslims are allowed).
Israel has shown over the past 62 years that negotiations and giving in to its demands only emboldens its colonial appetite.  History shows that only pressure worked to curb its illegal activities.
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home

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