Tuesday, October 12

The easier it gets for Israel to deny their crimes the easier it gets for them to commit them

Article published in the Jerusalem Post on the UNHCR Report on the Gaza Flotilla Raid.

Ed Corrigan


Print Edition
Photo by: IDF Spokesperson
Rattling the Cage: Burn after reading

The recently released UNHRC report on the flotilla
raid makes for a tough, demoralizing read.
Like everyone else, I saw the footage of the mob attacking Israeli commandos
on the Mavi Marmara, hitting them with clubs and rods, throwing one of them over
 the railing to the lower deck. Like everyone else, I saw it a million times, and
 that's all I saw from the May 31 raid. Afterward I wrote: "I don't blame the
commandos for killing those people; they were defending themselves.
I blame my country for putting them on that ship in the first place."

Now, after reading this week's UN Human Rights Council report on the
raid and its aftermath, I doubt that the commandos were so innocent.
What's more, I'm convinced that after everyone was taken off the six
 ships of the flotilla and held in detention, they were routinely
 brutalized and humiliated by Israeli soldiers and police.

Yes, the UNHCR has a pattern of singling out Israel for
 condemnation while ignoring the far worse abuses by its many
 Muslim and Third World member states. But the inquiry into the
flotilla raid wasn't headed by Muammar Gaddafi. It was headed by
 a former International Criminal Court judge from Trinidad and Tobago,
who was joined by a British war crimes prosecutor and a women's
rights activist from Malaysia.

They interviewed 112 activists, medical personnel and crew members
 in Geneva, London, Istanbul and Amman; they took written testimony
from others on board, and they viewed the extremely limited live footage
 and photographs that weren't confiscated by Israeli authorities.

The report makes horrific reading. It leaves you demoralized. It tells of
the mob attack on the unarmed commandos sliding down the ropes, but
 also about what happened after other commandos, this time carrying guns,
 boarded the ship. It tells a whole lot of stuff we didn't hear from the IDF
Spokesman's Office, or even from the government, about the nine deaths
and 24 serious injuries meted out by these troops.

"Israeli soldiers," the report says, "continued shooting at passengers
who had already been wounded, with live ammunition, soft baton
charges (beanbags) and plastic bullets. Forensic analysis demonstrates
 that two of the passengers killed on the top deck received wounds
compatible with being shot at close range while lying on the ground.

"Israeli soldiers," it continues, "fired live ammunition both from the top
deck at passengers on the bridge deck below and after they had moved
down to the bridge deck. At least four passengers were killed, and at
 least nine injured (five with firearms injuries) during this phase. None
of the four passengers who were killed, including a photographer who
 at the time of being shot was engaged in taking photographs and was
shot by an Israeli soldier positioned on the top deck above, posed any
threat to the Israeli forces. There was considerable live fire from Israeli
 soldiers on the top deck and a number of passengers were injured or
 killed whilst trying to take refuge inside the door or assisting others
to do so."

AGAIN, THE first commandos were unarmed and attacked by a mob
wielding deadly weapons; they were seriously injured, and three
were captured and later released. This was not an unprovoked,
wanton Israeli assault by any means.

But according to those on board, neither was it a case of the soldiers
 having no choice but to fire at an advancing mob or be torn to pieces,
as Israelis are happy to assume. What took place after the endlessly
broadcast mob scene, says the report, was a case of armed Israeli
troops shooting at terrified people who were not attacking them,
who were mainly trying to hide.

Because of the mob attack, because of the capture of the three
 soldiers, because of the Islamist ideology of the attackers and
 because of the "fog of war" and "heat of battle," I think the navy
 commandos are entitled to at least some benefit of the doubt.
While I don't think they can be considered innocent of any wrong
doing at this point, neither can they be considered cold-blooded
 killers. They were thrown into a violent, chaotic, extremely hostile

However, once the raid was over and everyone on the six
 ships were in detention, the soldiers and police in charge
under no threat. Nothing mitigates the beatings and humiliations
that the report says were inflicted on the detainees in the
before they were put on flights home. The worst, by far, they
say, came during their final processing at Ben-Gurion Airport.

"These accounts were so consistent and vivid as to be beyond
 question," says the report. "An intimidating number of armed
soldiers and police were present inside the terminal building.
 Some passengers said that these officers were 'spoiling for a fight.'

"Some passengers in the passport checking area saw an older passenger
 being roughly treated after receiving what appeared to be a beating.
 When other passengers, including Irish and Turkish, protested at this
 treatment, they were charged by soldiers using batons. In the foray,
around 30 passengers were beaten to the ground, kicked and punched
 in a sustained attack by soldiers. One Irish passenger was seen being
badly beaten around the head and held in a choke position to the point
 of near suffocation.

"One Turkish passenger involved in the fight said that he was
subsequently taken by soldiers, handcuffed with metal cuffs, picked
 up by the cuffs, taken to a small room and beaten and kicked by five
 more soldiers while others shielded the scene from outside. The
police intervened to stop the violence in this case.

"A number of women were pushed around by soldiers, one of whom
was beaten with fists. They were also subjected to sexual taunts...

"One medical doctor gave a detailed account [that] on arrival at the
 airport, the officer accompanying him jostled him and tried to trip him
 up on the stairs. He was then subjected to verbal insults as he passed
 through a checkpoint. An officer slapped him on the back of the head
and when he protested he was set upon by a group of uniformed officers,
 knocked to the ground and repeatedly punched and kicked. He was then
dragged out of sight of other passengers where the attacks resumed.
Attempts were made to break his fingers...

"One passenger was seen having his arm twisted behind his back
by police to the point that the arm broke. Another was kicked and
hit by some 10 soldiers, handcuffed and taken by vehicle to another
place... where soldiers abused him for up to two hours. When he
 returned to the airport, he was bleeding from the head."

ISRAEL REFUSED to have anything to do with the UNHCR
investigation and the Prime Minister's Office dismissed the report
as "predetermined." (The government, however, says it will
cooperate with another UN inquiry.) Meanwhile, as the
 Turkel Commission goes on with its occasional hearings,
 the most definitive official statement on the raid came from
 former National Security Council chief Giora Eiland, who
 headed the first in-house probe. "I am glad to say we found
a long list of praiseworthy things," the retired IDF major-general

Who says Israel can't investigate itself?

I understand that the activists from the flotilla are not
impartial; obviously, they have a very heavy ax to grind.
But I don't believe they made all this up out of nothing. I assume
that anywhere from a substantial minority to the great majority of
 the testimonies are true. I think that's a fair assumption about every
major human rights report on Israel, just as it is about every major
human rights report on every other country in the world.

Israelis, as a matter of course, believe human rights reports
 about other countries, just not about their own, which is an
outgrowth of the worldview that's brought us to where we are today.

This country doesn't care about the UNHCR report or any of
 these testimonies. By now, that sort of thing doesn't even upset
people. Nobody exerts any effort to deny the claims; there's nothing
to deny. Accusations like these don't register in the Israeli mind.

It doesn't matter if the report is written by a judge from Trinidad,
or by a Zionist judge from South Africa, or by IDF combat soldiers –
 they're all lying, don't pay any attention. It's nothing new; we've
been hearing this for decades.

Yes we have. And the easier it gets to deny the crimes, the
 easier it gets to commit them.


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