Thursday, September 9

‘Sinner’ singer given 39 lashes by rabbis,"

Article of interest.

Ed Corrigan

Print Edition
Photo by: Courtesy

Punishment for performance in front of "mixed audience."
A singer who performed in front of a "mixed audience"
of men and women was lashed 39 times to make him
"repent," after a ruling by a self-described rabbinic
court on Wednesday.

Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak, founder of the Shofar organization
 aimed at bringing Jews "back to religion"
 (hazara betshuva), has made it his recent mission to
fight against musical performances for both men and women.

His "judicial panel," with Rabbi Ben Zion Mutsafi and
another member, sentenced Erez Yechiel to 39
 lashes in order to "rid him of his sins."

In a video clip of the court posted on the Shofar Web site,
Ben Zion said that those who make
others sin (mahtiei rabim), such as artists who make
men and women attend performances or
dance together, have no place in the world to come.

He displayed a leather strip he said was made by
his father from ass and bull skin,
with which Yechiel was to have been whipped.

Yechiel, who said, "I accept upon myself the lashing for
 my sins," was ordered to stand by a wooden
 poll with his head facing north ("from whence the evil
 inclination comes"), his hands tied with a
azure-colored rope ("a symbol of mercy"), and served
 his "sentence."


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