Wednesday, September 1

Militarization Of An Arab School In Israel

Beit Jann village.The families of the Arab-Druze students at the ONLY high school in the Beit Jann village in Israel will start their fight on Wednesday Sept. 1 2010 “a battle” against the militarization of their school and children by the Israeli Education Ministry. The inhabitants of Beit Jann suffer under harsh discrimination in the civil rights, social, economical, and financial development of their town when compared to the jewish squatter colonies, towns and cities which were established nearby on the land of Arab since 1948.
Beit Jann is a Druze village on Mt. Meron, in northern Israel. At 940 meters above sea level. Beit Jann is one of the highest inhabited locations in the country. In 2007, the population was 10,300.
Under these hard conditions of discrimination and inequality in their civil rights which the Arab inhabitants of  Beit Jann live, Israel intends to open a military air force class in the village and force the students who choose to learn physics, electronics and scientific subjects to enroll in the class of the Israeli Air Force. It is compulsory for every student to go to school wearing military uniform and to stand in the morning singing Israeli military songs and raising the Israeli flag.
Mohand Naffa, Secretary-General of the Communist PartyDuring a telephone interview with Mohand Naffa, Secretary-General of the Communist Party and an Arab leader he said that the Israeli intelligence is behind the management of the Beit Jann school conflict and the council of the village, who are collaborating with the aim of destroying the Arab identity and community sense of the village inhabitants. He added that the people of the village will face this zionist project which targets their children and their national identity. Naffa added that the village of Beit Jann is the only one among many Arab villages which is always victim of injustice from the Israeli government, and that the people there have never received necessary services and facilities like other villages.
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