Saturday, September 25

The Daily Sabbah Report

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Empty Promises: Obama takes his Middle East peace plan to the UN

"International law is not an empty promise" – except for Palestinians By Phyllis Bennis* | Sabbah Report | President Obama's General Assembly speech called on the international community to mobilize behind the U.S.-led "peace process." He called on the Palestinians to "reconcile with a secure Israel" and waxed eloquent on the illegality of killing [...]

Obama speaks at the UN… Goodbye to peace

By Alan Hart* | Sabbah Report | On marks out of ten for his speech to the UN on the subject of ending the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel, I'd give President Obama minus five. Earlier this month (on 4 September) I wrote a piece with the headline Obama has signalled [...]

Killing Palestinians with Impunity

By Stephen Lendman* | Sabbah Report | With peace talks underway in Washington; Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt; Jerusalem; then New York, Israel, almost daily, commits crimes of war and against humanity. Some of the latest include: air strikes against Gaza, killing two Palestinian civilians in another one; peaceful protesters attacked in Gaza and the West [...]

Iran's President (Tries to) Speak Out

By Lawrence Davidson* | Sabbah Report | Iran's president Ahmadinejad was at the United Nations on September 21, 2010 to address the Millennium Development Goals Summit. What he had to say was, as usual, a mixed bag of worthwhile insights and questionable assertions. We will get to some of them in a moment. But [...]

Day Three, Mideast Hostage Crisis: Extremists Demand Pollard Release

Tanks, Bulldozers And "Einsatzkommando" IDF Squads Poised For Attack By Gordon Duff* | Sabbah Report | "…the depth of Pollard's info that he passed on to Russia (amongst others) was as damaging as the Rosenberg's was during that era. Devastatingly state of the art. Virtually everything that we knew/know about nukes…" (US Navy nuclear [...]

Israel makes meeting another Arab a crime

By Jonathan Cook * | Sabbah Report | A vague security offence of "contact with a foreign agent" is being used by Israel's secret police, the Shin Bet, to lock up Arab political activists in Israel without evidence that a crime has been committed, human rights lawyers alleged this week. The lawyers said the [...]

Democracy in Arab eyes

By Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban* | Sabbah Report | On the International Day of Democracy, satellite TV channels focused on the type of democracy imported, together with blood baths, disasters, wars and American invasions charged with hatred and oppression for Muslims. Democracy was talked about as an ideal, regardless of people's living standards, the disasters [...]

Capital Punishment, A Fair Deal For Terrorist Jonathan Pollard

Is America Being Asked To Negotiate With A Terrorist State? By Gordon Duff* | Sabbah Report | "….the depth of Pollard's info that he passed on to Russia (amongst others) was as damaging as the Rosenberg's was during that era. Devastatingly state of the art. Virtually everything that we knew/know about nukes…." (US Navy [...]

The Devil's HAARP: weather weapons and recent "natural" disasters

By Tim Coles* | Sabbah Report | In 1997 the US Space Command declared war on the world by committing America to "full spectrum dominance" by 2020, "to close the ever-widening gap between diminishing resources and increasing military commitments". This do1ctrine was approved and expanded by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2000. For [...]

Best option: dignified failure

By Sam Bahour* | Sabbah Report | The entire U.S. administration's Middle East A-team–President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, and Special Envoy Mitchell–is defying the mass majority of political analysts by dismissing the status quo in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip, and insisting that the latest round of Palestinian-Israeli direct talks has [...]


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