Saturday, August 28

Quote of the day

Taken from the blurb for The Host & the Parasite:

The Host & the Parasite

How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America

According to Canadian author Greg Felton, author of

The Host and the

Parasite: How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America

, since the 1980 general election, "a cabal of Zionist Jews, Evangelical Christians and neo-con econo-theologians has been waging war on the U.S. republic." Writes Felton: "Rather than consider Iraq in isolation as oil-firsters do, it must be placed in the more complete context of Israeli subjugation of the Middle East, especially Palestine. Not only does this larger picture reinforce the fact of U.S. subservience to Israel, but it further militates against considering oil as the prime determinant of U.S. policy. In short, a nuclear Iran would be a force for peace and stability, and Israel cannot allow that to happen." According to Felton, "Today the republic is dead, brought down by a junta that serves Israel's colonial interests, not the U.S. national interest. This is the essence of the war on terrorism and the motive behind the Sept. 11 attack, the invasion of Iraq and the overt provocations of Syria and Iran."

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