Anti-Mosque-protesters in New York with a certain fascist-flavour......and flamboyant-flag .
Assuming that Usama Ben Ladin does really exist and secondly , assuming that BenLadin did bomb New York.
Assuming that George Bush does also exist and that Bush , and not Mother Teresa, did bomb Baghdad. How many civilians died in New York and how civilians died many in Baghdad ??.
Assuming that BenLaden wants to impose his anti-western-decadence-ideas..... and assuming that , Bush wanted to impose democracy in the country which invented the first civilisation.
Assuming that all what I wrote here-above is correct why do they refuse to build a mosque in New York when George Bush never built ,nor rebuilt, any Church in Baghdad ?? nor any Hospital , nor any school .??
Because in the last 20 years, before this war, Saddam Hussein has rebuilt Churches , schools and Hospitals in Baghdad.
Which, incidentally,reminds me to tell you that I know of 23 Churches´ buildings financed by Saddam´s regime..... even and also in the Lebanon.
Unfortunately, George Bush , to my knowledge, never financed or helped any church , let alone the victims span>of Katherina , in Louisiana, even .
Back to New York and to that Mosque, I dare not to give my opinion because I am neither Muslim nor I am a US Citizen. Nonetheless , may I remind those New Yorkers who objected that Mosque that building any Mosque is like building a bridge between tolerance and ignorance.....
Raja Chemayel my grand-father who was a (christian) Lord-mayor signed the building license for a Synaguoge in 1942 and my uncle (his son) who was also the Mayor signed in 1961 a building-license for a Mosque....in our Christian Hometown of Bhamdoun in the Lebanon.
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