Tuesday, August 3

> If Israel were founded by Angels ???

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/36/Declaration_of_State_of_Israel_1948.jpg/250px-Declaration_of_State_of_Israel_1948.jpgThe presumed Angels

Let us assume that in 1948
Israel was founded by angels.........exclusively.

In the meantime it is the year 2010
and :
6 wars were initiated by Israel
4 invasions were done by Israel
one third of Lebanon occupied ,20 years, by Israel
3 million were ethnically-cleansed-refugees
2 millions are indigenous-occupied
1,5 are besieged and starved
a whole country was swallowed
11.000 political-prisoners are jailed
without ever seeing the Court-house.
and not counting:
the massacres ,
the house-demolishings
the racial discrimination's
the health and  food deprivations
the annexations
the house evictions
653 Road blocks
the bulldozers driving above (the alive) peace-activists.

Now , comes my question:
How many """"'Angels" are still left over ???
Raja Chemayel
looking for the Angels, if they ever existed !

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