Saturday, July 24

Wikipedia Revisionism by Israeli Pressure Groups

Revision History of 911 Casaulties
Readers may have caught Juan Cole’s piece on the lies of the Israel pressure group, CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America), sliming a CNN reporter.
CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) is not in fact an organization devoted to fairness in journalism. … Its members also mounted a covert and conspiratorial attempt to edit all Wikipedia articles to slant them toward a rightwing Zionist perspective, and they were banned from Wikipedia when the plot was outed. The organization occasionally succeeds in correcting errors, but only in the same way that a fanatical Khomeinist would easily be able to find and correct errors in US journalism about the Islamic Republic of Iran. It isn´t that ideologues want fairness– they want to impose their blindered narrative on everyone else.
Here’s an example of a creative Wikipedia revision for the glory of the holy state of Israel, obtained by Veterans Today.
In this case, presenting Israel as a fellow victim of the 911 evil-doers, history is spun so that Israel is a new victim of the World Islamic Mission of Global Conquest. Five Israeli deaths are added in the 17 July, 2010 revision below. What’s good for this fundamentalist, militaristic state is good for America.
One wonders why Bangladesh, for instance, doesn’t speak quite so loudly in the American political culture.
In view of Israel’s wanton disregard for international law, human rights and facts, one concerned about these matters must ask: What is Israel up to now? What are they planning?
- Strike against Lebanon
- Gaza
- Expelling all Arabs from the West Bank?
Click on graphic below.


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