Saturday, July 10

John Pilger: Obama Imperialism and use of DOGS


If you missed this on Alternative Radio, it is still so relevant, excellent on PR use of Obama's image to confuse and destroy anti-war movement and other liberal groups, to expand military and wars around the globe.  Also his mention of DOGS: Drones On The Ground, which are already set up for use along the Israel-Gaza border so that no Israeli need be involved or injured Currently they are run form US sites, just as the regular Drones are. (This AR program was replayed by Steve Cornie this a.m. on the regular Sounds of Dissent program on WZBC, can also go to their archives to listen.)

If you can find a transcript (only one I found was a German media translation really a mess), send me URL; anyway, be sure to listen if you have not heard this:
HOME > John Pilger > Imperialism in the Age of Obama ... Obama is imbued with the same imperial mentality that prevails in Washington in that he believes America can ...


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