Thursday, July 29

Israel and the coup in the emirate

Israel plans coup in emirate, report says
The Israeli ambassador to Britain, Ron Prosor
Israel is aiding and abetting an exiled Arab sheikh in his efforts to stage a "coup" in the Persian Gulf emirate of Ras al-Khaimeh, which is part of the United Arab Emirates, a report says.

The Israeli ambassador to Britain, Ron Prosor, has met Sheikh Khalid bin Saqr al-Qasimi, the exiled crown prince of Ras al-Khaimeh, who asked the Israeli envoy to provide help for his campaign to seize control of the strategically important Persian Gulf emirate only 40 miles from Iran, The Guardian reported on Wednesday.

The meeting took place in London in March and has been followed by phone calls and wider assistance and advice, according to records of the relationship seen by The Guardian .

Khalid, who was sent into exile in 2003, is seeking to replace his ailing father Sheikh Saqr and half brother Sheikh Saud to take control of Ras al-Khaimeh.

He claims that Ras al-Khaimeh has become a trafficking hub for "nuclear arms parts" to Iran and has spent over £4 million (over $6 million) on an international public relations and lobbying campaign to persuade US politicians and the pro-Israel lobby in the United States that it would be safer if he were in charge.

The alliance with Israel is the latest twist in the already extraordinary saga of Khalid's bid to return to power, the report said.

Sheikh Saqr is understood to be dying in hospital in Abu Dhabi and his son, Sheikh Saud, 54, the sitting crown prince, has been told to get prepared for his wake.

Source: Press TV

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