Sunday, July 25

I wonder how many of us, Rodney included, would like to treated the way the Palestinians are?

Here is an article where an Israeli Arab says that "Israel is not an Apartheid State." I thank Rodney for the forward. It is an interesting perspective and to quote the article "...and he is aware that what he says can be "provocative."  However in the interest of fairness and balance I am posting the article.  It is important to know both sides of the argument as Guidy has observed. However, as Pirkey Avot, a collection of ethical admonitions that is part of the Talmud, urges: "Do not judge your fellow man until you are able to imagine standing in his place." I wonder how many of us, Rodney included, would like to treated the way the Palestinians are?

Ed Corrigan
This Israeli Arab Legal Scholar says Israel Is Not An Apartheid State

"Is there discrimination in Israel? Yes-there is discrimination against women, elderly, Arabs, Russian Jews, Christians,… But the same goes for Canada. Is it good-No? But it means we have to deal with the problem from within…. The existence of discrimination in a state does not mean it is an apartheid state…There is a big difference between apartheid and discrimination," he said.

"In an apartheid regime, there is no possibility of judicial review, because the judges are appointed by the regime and all serve one ideology. This is not the case in Israel… There is a very strong, independent Supreme Court in Israel. In an apartheid regime [unlike in Israel] there is no place to go to argue against the government," Dr. Wattad added.
Scholars For Peace in the Middle East 


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