Sunday, June 20

Today's attack by Israeli forces and more

Israeli occupation forces today in Beit Jala engaged in beatings, burning of fields, and attacking peaceful demonstrators, bystanders, and reporters. Two young Palestinians: Mohammed Masalma and Thaer Mahmoud were injured after severe beatings with hands and clubs (they were both near their homes and not participating in the demonstration). Several demonstrators were also roughed-up. Occupation enforcers also attacked six reporters and prevented them from doing their job of covering the event: Yousef Shahin (Palmedia), AbdelHafith Hashlamon (European News Aghency), Nasser AlShayukhi (associated Press), Mamon Wazwaz (APA), Musa AlShaer (France Press), and Najeh Hashlamon (ABA). The Israeli occupation forces (thugs) also aimed their gas canisters at dry fields managing to set a fire that engulfed an olive grove (fortunately, the Palestinian fire department quick response saved most of the field and the nearby homes). The apartheid forces also aimed tear gas at far away homes in Beit Jala to senda message of fear to the local population. And Israeli Occupation ‘intelligence’ Officer Fadi came and then tagged us and as we were trying to leave in my car mocked us and call out my name with his loud speaker. Video of much of the action at

Where is the Palestinian Gandhi by Mazin Qumsiyeh, The Link - Volume 43, Issue 3, July - August 2010

Proof of doctored videos and audio now surfaces after the Israeli attack and propaganda campaign

Watching and supporting bombing of Gaza: ‘I am a little bit fascist’

Why, really, was the USS Liberty attacked by Israel?
Alan Hart’s keynote address to the annual re-union dinner of the Liberty Veterans’ Association – Long Island, 12 June 2010.

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home

Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People,


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