Saturday, June 5

More bands cancel performance in Israel following massacre on Gaza-bound ships

Message to Shuki Weiss: There should no confusion to why groups would cancel and boycott Israel. the world is waking up and information about what's happening in the world is easy to get within minutes and now people are getting sick and tired of Israel and they see Israel for what it is: A Crime against Humanity!Two music bands have canceled their performances in Israel this week apparently due to Israel's deadly raid on the Gaza-bound humanitarian aid flotilla.

The Klaxons and the Gorillaz Sound System were supposed to arrive in Israel on Friday to headline the Pic.Nic. Festival in Tel Aviv.

Although neither group provided an official reason for canceling their trips, event producer Shuki Weiss said he believed it was connected with the tumultuous events in the region over the last few days and the ensuing worldwide political fallout over the Israeli attack on Gaza-bound ships, Haaretz reported on Friday.

Weiss said the festival's producers received word late on Thursday afternoon first from the Klaxons and then from Gorillaz Sound System that they were canceling their appearances at the festival.

"Attempts by the Israeli event producers to convince the artists to perform did not produce any results," Weiss said. "I'm troubled by the decision of the Klaxons and Gorillaz Sound System," he said, quoted by the Israeli daily.

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