Wednesday, June 2

Massacre on the Mavi Marmara by michael hall

Massacre on the Mavi Marmar                                                                                      

by michael hall

Sailing ships on the water 6 in a line

Led by the Mavi Marmara flying the Turkish flag

700 humanitarians & peace activists

Tacking to Gaza to break the blockade


10,000 tons of water purifiers,food,medicine & cement

A delivery to the largest, ugliest open-air prison in the world today

But the turnkeys snorted arrogance & swore; 'we will stop you and you won't get in'

The stage was set, the dawn was dark, daybreak  was near


From Apache dragonflies hovering, highly skilled  black cockroaches rappelled

Heavily armed & highly trained  Israeli commandos swarmed over the ships

Shots are fired, people are beaten, people are murdered, the wounded, bleeding and moaning, white flag ignored

Sub machine guns & grenades vs q-tips & cotton balls, guess what took the day


This act of Piracy, this act of war by a lunatic nation breaking every rule in the book

This is a crime against humanity and all humanity must condemn it

For we do have international laws that all nations must obey,except for the chosen one since they're exceptional?

Are they allowed to become terrorizing  pirates who kill and kidnap defenseless social activists anytime, anywhere?


Now they've impounded all  the vessels, kidnapped  every civilian and locked them up as hostages

No word out, its a blackout, save for what the Israelis spin to say

They just dropped in carrying  paintball guns to have a bit of fun

But those rabid peace activists & red-eyed old ladies attacked the defenseless commandos &overpowered them

If it wasn't for quick wits & the lightening actions of the Israeli military slaughtering those philanthropists

A commando or two would have suffered a splinter or a good tongue lashing

& that wouldn't do since in the hold we found nuclear weapons


Yet the  world is justifiably shocked and appalled

But for those who suffer under the yolk of Israeli ruler-ship & for those involved know quite differently

This is just the latest in a long list of crimes against the innocent,against the unarmed, against women and kids

It happens in Israel,in Gaza, in Jerusalem and in the occupied territories as Israeli national policy

So good humanity, it's time for you wake up and learn what has been going on for decades

This rouge terrorist state that doesn't follow the rules and assaults and murders whom it chooses

Must pay for its crimes and take its place in a community of societies as a mature  responsible member

For this assault and massacre was an attack on all us everywhere


On this memorial day, remember that 80 miles offshore in international waters

Unarmed civilians with hearts and compassion for those enduring in an illegal prison reached out to assist

To those who suffer for a crime they've never done or committed

get attacked and murdered on the high seas and tell me world, what are you going to do about it? 


Today,from the great city on the hill, Obama the messiah washes his hands and turns his back

Because his little homicidal friend can do on wrong no matter how evil it is

Now the president's  integrity and his words about equality are null and void for by crystallized hypocrisy

Yet high above this atrocity, is a humble yet wise child watching it all and his name is Hanthala


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