Tuesday, June 1

Israeli Deputy FM Ayalon lies through his teeth about the flotilla massacre


It is impossible for one to maintain calm while reading lies. Today’s dosage of lies (called Hasbara, and from now on, when an Israeli is lying, I will start to use the very “to hasbara”, conjugated appropriately) was more poisonous than usual. It runs under the topic of “defending atrocities”, which is only slightly less frequent than the “defending racist policies” rubric. My comments to these obscene utterings from the Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministy in Rabid Red.

Seizure of the Gaza flotilla: Press conference with Deputy FM Ayalon

DEPUTY FM AYALON: Good morning, everyone. I want to report this morning that the armada of hate and violence in support of the Hamas terror organization was a premeditated and outrageous provocation.

Thus begins the greatest lie/hasbara of the day. The invention of a catchy little phrase that only the most audacious would utilise word for word, but the hasbarists will have time to refine it. That they choose to put Hamas and “terror” right in the first line, though is the most important part. This is what may pass to the international news agencies, which is the whole point, and the statements made earlier in the day by outraged politicians the world over are being softened as the minutes pass. Of course the flotilla was premeditated, and of course it was a provocation! How else can one do things with Israel there? Spontaneous, improvised and expecting applause? The intent, however was not violent and there’s not a stitch of evidence for this, but the violence that follows such an act of a bloody massacre indeed is spontaneous and very real. People are enraged. It is right to be enraged by such an attack on humanitarians bringing aid!!! However, let’s assume that cement powder can be lethal if the bags are swung around, and that paper can cause lots of cuts on the fingers that make it hard to pull triggers of Uzis.

The organizers are well-known for their ties to Global Jihad, Al-Qaeda and Hamas. They have a history of arms smuggling and deadly terror. On board the ship we found weapons that were prepared in advance and used against our forces. The organizers' intent was violent, their method was violent, and unfortunately, the results were violent.

Oh! This one is good, unfounded, but good for the masses who will believe whatever Israel tells them. Pull out the big bad monster of Global Jihad (what is that? Does it matter?!) the terrorist for all seasons Al-Qaeda and Hamas for good measure. As well, it’s pretty clear from the film that when you have commandoes storming down on top of you, you are going to expect to be attacked violently, and you grab whatever it is that is near to you, the videos seem to show just parts of the ship itself! No guns on board that were not carried by the Israelis. We see parts of the ship itself, swung around in attempts to stave off the attack. My only question here is, why does the speaker consider the results “unfortunate”? The special ops commandoes could have stayed off the boat and if they couldn’t resist that, at least not brought automatic rifles that are famous for being violent.

Israel regrets any loss of life and did everything to avoid this outcome.

This phrase is repeated on so many occasions, I think they must have a copyright on it and get royalties each time it’s said.

We repeatedly called upon the organizers and all those who were associated with them, through diplomatic channels and any other means we could, to stop this provocation.

Of course, they called on the organisers to do nothing for the people who are suffering in Gaza, but fortunately, there are humans who think for themselves and act upon their consciences. It all could have been avoided had Israel just delivered what is required of it by International law, that is, if they allow goods and money in for reconstruction and basic life needs and allow people in and out.

The so-called humanitarian aid was not for a humanitarian purpose.

No? Do they think that now Gazans will start a cottage industry of paper airplanes and cement rockets?

Had it been for a humanitarian purpose, they would have accepted our offer to deliver all humanitarian supply through the appropriate channels which are used on a daily basis, as we make sure that Gaza will not be in short of humanitarian supplies.

How do you spell “liar”? “h-a-s-b-a-r-i-s-t”. Daily basis? Israel makes sure on a daily basis that Palestinians are hanging on a thread and surviving only by their own wits and tunnels.

On a daily basis, we do that.

Suuuuure, sure you do!

We ask them to send this through the appropriate channels, whether it's the U.N., whether it's the Red Cross, whether it's our people, but to no avail.

The channels have been asked and implored for years in the words, “open the damned crossings! Lift the damned siege! Free the Gazans from the prison you have closed them into!” To no avail indeed.

In fact, what they said was that it's a humanitarian campaign, but they said repeatedly that their intent and purpose was to break the blockade, the maritime blockade, on Gaza.

Exactly. It is humanitarian to bring in aid if aid is being denied through “appropriate channels”.

The maritime blockade on Gaza is very legal and justified by the terror that Hamas is applying in Gaza.

Very legal? As in what laws precisely? And I don’t mean Israeli laws, I mean international laws. There is nothing that justifies denial of construction material, food, medicines, school supplies, clothing, cigarettes, petrol, diapers, balsam, soap, wheelchairs…. Everything that makes life possible.

Allowing these ships to go in an illegal way to Gaza would have opened in fact a corridor of smuggling arms and terrorists to Gaza, with the results, inevitable results, of many, many thousands of civilian deaths and violence all over the area.

There’s the contradiction, if things aren’t allowed in (because legally – according to Ayalon – they can’t go in because the blockade is "legal") the only option is to circumvent the Israeli law. There is no law in Gaza prohibiting a ship’s entry, unless Israel will violate international maritime law or impose their own control over Gaza which “they left” to Palestinians, in their earlier propaganda. To bring in things, anything at all, they call “smuggling” because they will not legally allow it. Therefore, they see many thousands of (Israeli) deaths (the other deaths don’t count for them) because the paranoia is extreme and bringing life to Palestinians by means of goods for survival means Israeli death, logical n'est pas? They must confound people into thinking that all goods brought into Gaza (“Terrorland”) are naturally meant just to harm Israeli lives. Of course, we must understand the priorities! If Israel would leave Gaza to Palestinians, maybe there would be less violence to begin with? But that thought is just too rational to consider!

After these repeated calls where not heeded by the organizers, we told them that they will not be allowed to break the blockade, as according to maritime law we have the right to do that.

Not in international waters you don’t! And this is where you undertook your operation. But what counts is that already all the other hasbarists are repeating your lies word for word, even adding some exciting details to it such as “people on the boat chanting anti-Semitic songs” (from the AJC org. press release http://www.ajc.org/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=ijITI2PHKoG&b=2818289&ct=8418965&notoc=1).

Unfortunately, they also, people, the organizers upon the ship, did not heed the calls of our forces this morning to peacefully follow them and bring a closure, a peaceful closure, to this event.

They do not have to give in to acts of piracy on the seas. This is what they bravely did. You will be judged for this, and perhaps they know it too.

No sovereign country would tolerate such violence against its civilian population, against its sovereignty, against international law.

This is the reason you hasbara yourself blue in the face to make certain Palestine is never sovereign. They might just repeat your words sooner than you like. And, to call on international law from the greatest violator of international law on the planet is the definition of chutzpah itself.

And we in Israel call today upon all relevant parties and all relevant countries to work together on calming the situation. Thank you very much.

You call for calm since you know that you have murdered activists and civilians in cold blood, and this will only bring about more and more unrest. You have brought down the rage of the world upon your shoulders. But, like all the other times, you will hasbara your way out of it and the world media and governments will help you. In a few days it will all be forgotten. Hell, there’s a World Cup to dispute! People are distracted!


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