Tuesday, June 1

I hope this clears up some of your delusions about the reality of Israel & Palestine

Razz KhanSome people have complained and said that my comments about israel have been TOO HARSH and that I should go easy on israel and respect the fact that it is a country .. to all those people I’m VERY SORRY .. VERY SORRY THAT YOU PEOPLE ARE DELUDED .. it is NOT israel but is ALL OCCUPPIED PALESTINE.

If those people (Zionist Ashkenazi Israeli Jews) wanted to come and live there, they should have come through the usual Immigration Control and PURCHASED a home in Palestine, and lived in PEACE with the Palestinians Muslims, Christians and Jews.

In fact throughout History Muslims actually PROTECTED the Jews, in fact in the 1490s during the Spanish Inquisition and even in the 1890s when they were being expelled from Greece and Russia, they actually found refuge in TURKEY .. as people of The Book (Abrhamic Faith) we Muslims have a DUTY to protect Jews, if you speak to original Palestinian Jews, they had never felt so SAFE in their History as they did under Muslim rule in Palestine.

People seem to show a lot of concern for the current israeli Jews who are living on STOLEN PALESTINE .. but what about the 4.7 MILLION PLUS Palestinians living in REFUGEE CAMPS? .. you can not expect these people to put up with the current status quo .. especially when they still have KEYS to their original Homes and fond memories prior to the 1948 Nakba. I’m sorry but the Palestinians RIGHTS OVER-RIDE those of the israeli Jews. People need to STOP ACCEPTING ISRAEL ..

For Jews, if you are REAL Jews then you do not need me to tell you about the commandments from God via Moses .. # 6 YOU SHALL NOT MURDER and #8 YOU SHALL NOT STEAL .. now do you think that MURDERING Palestinians (and TURKISH Humanitarian Activists) and STEALING Palestine is the path to salvation? These are directly from God to Moses to the Jewish people and to us all, Christians and Muslims and Humanity .. these are good Laws.

Do you think God would be happy of you? Do you think even Moses would be happy? .. now the only way to remove the sin is to REPENT and REVERSE .. which means to speak and act out AGAINST israel and then HELP REVERSE AND REMOVE israel and RE-ESTABLISH PALESTINE .. this is what you should strive for .. this life is temporary so think about the Next Life, obviously if you believe then you will know this already.

Muslims have got NOTHING against Jews .. but if you do not speak out and act against this idea of israel .. or if you stay silent, this is all complicity and a sin on your heads .. it is your duty to fight against israel and ensure that it comes to an end. The israeli Jews are brainwashed into thinking they are in the right and allowed to MURDER and STEAL .. the illegal israeli state sponsors trips to israel and brain washes them at a young age.

Israel does not want peace, it never has, so please stop fooling yourselves into thinking that a two-state solution is possible, when it is totally unacceptable to the Palestinians in their ever decreasing territories and insane to suggest that they will happily accept the current status quo. The actions of israel BREED HATRED for ALL Jews, so they must ALL UNITE and get their house into order, as must we all, we are responsible for our Families and our People.

I hope that this clarifies the situation, if you have any questions feel free to reply back, or if you want to discuss this further. Thanking you kindly and hoping that you see sense.I hope this clears up some of your delusions about the reality

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