Sunday, May 2

The Palestinian Authority has jumped on the civil society bandwagon

  We can discuss and argue about their motivations later, but bottom line, AS ALWAYS, the people are leading and the leadership is following.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions  campaign, which is aimed to exact a cost from Israel for its 43 year occupation (yes, over four decades of this man-made, human nightmare), is working.

The two links below are from articles from the Israeli press over the past 24 hours:

This is a game changer!!!

Stay tuned, but in the meantime, it's working!!!  Please join in.  Every community can play a role -- Palestine, Israel, USA, EU, Latin and S. America, etc, etc, etc.  Cleanse your supermarket, school, pension fund, city hall, etc, etc, etc, from goods, services and investments that produce profits that prolong war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Economic "Peace" does not mean you can steal our economy in pieces,

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