Lieberman: No US citizenship rights for terrorists

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" A leading US senator called Tuesday, in the wake of the failed New York car bombing plot, for Americans who target fellow citizens with terrorist violence to be stripped of their US citizenship rights.
"If you're attacking your fellow Americans in an act of war you lose the rights that come with citizenship," Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, an independent, told reporters."
What is the definition of "terrorist" Senator Lieberman? This general term worthy of an ancient witchhunt is just what Holy Joe needs to scare the public. He will never satisfactorily define the term "terrorism" and he will never scare me.
Note to Senator Lieberman: Our rights don't come from our citizenship so what the hell are you talkin' about?
Senator Lieberman - please read the following:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.."
So in other words our rights don't come from a stupid Zionist traitor Senator who speaks in sniveling forked tongue. These unalienable Rights are endowed by our Creator. That means God or Chance - take your pick.
So, Holy Joe, are you my creator? Because since you are NOT my creator you DON'T QUALIFY TO MAKE SUCH ASSERTIONS OVER AMERICANS' RIGHTS.
The Senator fails to recognize that we don't live in a democracy - we live in a Republic. A Republic - as opposed to a Democracy - protects the rights of the individual - that is why we are supposed to have trials.
Senator Joseph Israel Lieberman violates his oath to protect and defend the Constitution (if he indeed did take one) - which in my opinion makes him a TRAITOR guilty of TREASON. Is that a stretch? Consider this definition:
" Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.
Outside legal spheres, the word "traitor" may also be used to describe a person who betrays (or is accused of betraying) their own political party, nation, family, friends, ethnic group, team, religion, social class, or other group to which they may belong. Often, such accusations are controversial and disputed, as the person may not identify with the group of which they are a member, or may otherwise disagree with the group leaders making the charge."
Why is it that John Adams successfully defended, in a public trial in Boston, Captain Preston (leader of the Boston Massacre redcoats) leading to his acquital? Perhaps he knew it was important to set an example for posterity so frauds like Lieberman couldn't pretend that unpopular people shouldn't have trials in the future? Now this spineless sniveling Senator from Israel would rather lock'em up and torture them rather than have a real trial. Lieberman sounds like a redcoat to me - not an American - that's for sure.
Perhaps Holy Joe's motive has nothing to do with preserving our rights - but in assisting foreign and domestic enemies of the American people in their complete takeover of America. And knowing the people will resist Holy Joe will use whatever means necessary - including undermining the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, the U.S. Constitution to prevent trials as a means of the truth being exposed in daylight.
Perhaps we will see Holy Joe abandon not his party next time, but the United States itself, for the country he truly loves - Israel. In the meantime maybe he will read this:
Note: Pic borrowed from Raw Story
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