Friday, May 21

Arrests and injuries at Al-Ma'sara and more


In the news today is that scientists were able for the first time to use genetic engineering to create a living organism.  They engineered the genetic material using computers and chemically synthesized DNA and placed it in a bacteria that has been cleaned of its own DNA (genetic material).  This essentially created a dividing bacteria that produces its proteins from the DNA sequence and divides and reproduces.   This is an amazing breakthrough.  But here in Palestine, the death and destruction machine is still in high gear. 


The people of Al Ma'sara participated in the weekly demonstration today. Last week we had a very successful cultural event in the presence of occupation soldiers.  The week villagers and internationals were even allowed to reach their lands.  Instead this week, they were met with a hail of tear gas, stun grenades and high velocity projectiles.  According to Mohammad Breijieh reporting from the hospital, his brother Hassan Breijieh has a critical head injury.  Another injured was Jawad Zawahra, hit in his leg.  There were also reports of two arrests: Mahmoud Abdel Karim Zawahra and Iyad Mohamed Ali, both 23 years old.  For more information on this situation please call Mahmoud Zawahra 0599586004 (English) and Mohammed Braijieh 0598371749 (Arabic).


Many of us felt bad for having been at another demonstration at Al-Walaja at the same time the events in Al-Ma'asara were unfolding.  In Al-Walaja, there was no army and hence no arrests and no injuries.  Now, the demonstrations are in Sheikh Jarrah where settlers have taken over Palestinian homes (and unfortunately we as Bethlehem Palestinians are denied access to Jerusalem so cannot participate).  Meanwhile, politicians like Hilary Clinton bark that there will be more consequences for Iran and North Korea.  No consequences for the rogue state of Israel for countless violations of International law.


Action: Join us in Al-Walaja Sunday at 9 AM (at the tent erected in the path of the wall) and in Beit Jala Sunday at 11:30 AM for demonstrations against continued apartheid policies and land confiscation.


Hebron Nakba march through the old city


Jewish Settlers attack Palestinians (a bit dated but relevant and ongoing similar situations)


How Hitler and Zionists cooperated


The Zionist Story 1-8

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

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Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home


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