Tuesday, April 13


The following has happened too often to too many people to be a coincidence....
Logging into HaAretz or any of their articles results in your computer crashing.... sometimes to the 'point of no return'. It appears that there is definitely a zionist plot to keep people from reading anything contradictory to what is happening in Israel today.

One of my regular readers sent the following via email...
I surf the internet alot.  I have read dozens of comments about Haartz being infected with viruses.  If it hadn't happened to me personally I might think it was a zio campaign to keep people from reading the more liberal Israeli newspaper.  But since it DID happen to me, I know they are not fibbing.

Another user wrote...
Lately, whenever I've tried to view the Haaretz.com website, I've gotten a really threatening-looking message warning me that my computer is infected with a virus and wanting to install anti-virus software. It seems to come from the webpage itself. But, when I do a system scan (without downloading the software, since I don't know what it is), my Norton anti-virus shows nothing but the usual harmless tracking cookie. I wondered if anyone else had this experience and whether this is something that was originating on the webpage or part of some kind of cyber-attack on the webpage.

THIS link from Yahoo Answers deals with the situation.

If your computer is 'attacked' by these evil forces, notify HaAretz at contact@haaretz.co.il
Perhaps they might find ways to prevent this from happening....

We can and will beat the zionist internet terrorists at their game!


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