Saturday, March 13

(Under The ) Star of David

Mike Hall

Under the star of David

a democracy in name only

for just a select few have that distinct privilege inside of first-class settlements

while the rest are second class, treated as trash living in tossed aside poverty/


Under the star of David

an anaconda is squeezing a slow death

dark-skinned natives once again suffer strangulation

its genocide, its ethnic cleansing and its a crime against humanity/


Under the star of David

land confiscation and house demolition

administrative detention and torture

11,000 locked away without human rights, without lawyers, like jews in a concentration camp/


Tanks, drones, fighter jets and missiles

carry on warfare on people whose only crime is being where others want

this is military rulership which is military dictatorship racist as ugly racism can be

the law is the iron fist, the bullet with the physical and psychological beat-down/


Under the star of David

apartheid,segregation,isolation, intimidation, assassination and racial hatred is national policy

above international law they place their group for they call themselves the 'exceptionally chosen'

much like the last group who claimed that distinction, but they called themselves; nazis/


Cause and effect

karmic law swings eventually with justice

and  for those who commit crimes on others will one day suffer again

for insanity lies with those who do the same things over and over expecting different results/


Under the star of David

i see old women dragged away by young stormtroopers

i see kids with rocks against state of the art tanks firing indiscriminately

slingshots against missiles and i find this abhorrent/


Let us talk of an open-air prison

1.5 million strong

1/2 are children and what did they do wrong?

Their crime is that they won't go away and refuse to suffer forever/


Hanthala is a child of very old age now

he's seen it all again and again

they come from other lands,shake a few hands and then go home

but what stays is the status quo with facts on the ground/


For 'Arab brothers' are in solidarity

as they sell and buy from the Israelis

and then do what America tells them to do

getting rich is more important than values,principles or doing the right thing/


Under the star of David

violence is narcissistic and sleeping with a sword

nepotism,hubris and hedonism at any cost

its a new age with the same old baggage and the truth is spun like a top/


For under the star of David

its business as usual

the strong oppress the weak or pay them off to look the other way

but what is today will not be day soon


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