Friday, March 19

(TODAY) is national call-in day to demand a halt to settlement construction

Your action is urgently needed!

Published reports show that members of pro-Israel lobby groups are pressuring members of Congress to demand the White House backs away from its harsh criticism of Israel for its insulting announcement of new settlement construction in occupied Jerusalem during a visit to the area by Vice President Joseph Biden last week.

Already more than 10 senators and representatives – including U.S. Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn – have issued statements calling for an end to the “family feud.” This is a typical tactic the pro-Israel lobby employs in these situations. They often get members of Congress to act on their behalf with the White House. It’s up to us to make sure they are not successful this time. It is up to us to remind our congressmen and women they work for us, not for the apartheid state of Israel.

It is critical that you call your members of congress and Secretary Clinton to demand they pressure Israel to halt all settlement construction.

Ask our legislators to support America’s interests not others’ interests. They have heard enough from the pro-Israel lobby. Now it’s time to hear from the pro-America lobby.

Friday, March 19, is National Call-In Day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call your elected officials and demand they pressure Israel to halt all settlement construction in occupied Palestine. Be firm, but polite. Remind them that settlements are illegal and they violate several United Nations resolutions.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 202.647.5291
Members of Congress

Endorsed by: Muslim Public Affairs Council, Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, The International Solidarity Movement- Chicago Chapter, SJP Depaul, SJP IIT, SJP University of Chicago, SJP North Eastern IL University, SJP University of IL at Chicago

The American Muslims for Palestine is a national, grassroots organization whose mission is to educate the American public about issues relating to Palestine and its rich cultural heritage. For more information, contact Kristin Szremski, director of media and communications, at 708.717.4180, cell; or 708.598.4267, ext. 22, office; or email her at Go to

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