Sunday, March 14

There OUGHT To Be A Law Against Americans Supporting Murder!

BY Desert Peace

Just let some other group here try to raise money for the military of any other country!  They’d be behind bars so quickly they wouldn’t know what hit them.

Photo by: IDF

Ashkenazi raises over $20m. at IDF fundraiser in NY


Hundreds of protestors march outside the $1000-a-plate gala at the Waldorf-Astoria.

NEW YORK – There was scarce evidence of the global recession at a $1,000-a-plate fundraiser for the IDF in New York City on Tuesday night. Even as protestors outside the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel decried the guest of honor – Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi – donors pledged six-figure sums, topping $20 million by the end of the night. Inside a glittering ballroom, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces staged a theatrical show that tugged on the heartstrings – and purse strings – of the nearly 1,400 in attendance.
On the heels of a trip to Washington, where he met with top US officials, Ashkenazi emphasized the threat of Iran’s nuclear program and called on the international community to stop the Islamic regime.
“All options should remain on the table,” he said.
But outside, a coalition of left-leaning groups led hundreds of protestors in a single-file march around the perimeter of the hotel. Clad in black, they hoisted signs emblazoned with the words, “War crime,” “End the siege on Gaza” and “Israeli war criminals feast at the Waldorf.”
“Everyone feels that Operation Cast Lead was an outrage,” said Dorothy Zellner, of Jews Say No!, which mobilized early. “As a Jew, I can’t tolerate that the country that did this claims it is doing it for me.”

Read the rest HERE

Read about the demonstrations outside HERE and HERE.

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