Monday, March 29

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back To Church

The Ugly Truth It’s a dilly of a pickle for us, no doubt…As a family, we’re as inclined to neglecting keeping the Lord’s day holy as a soldier is to going AWOL or burning the flag of his own country…
…That was of course until 9/11 took place and we saw what a dangerous place church had become…
Not dangerous in the sense that a bomb may go off at the communion rail (as happened in Lebanon many years ago, courtesy of Israel’s Mossad, who wanted to blame it on Islamic terrorists) or that thing taking place recently just a few miles south where a Jewish couple (posing as Christians) entered a church in the West Bank pushing a baby buggy loaded with explosives, intent upon blowing up the place and everyone in it…

Rather, the kind of danger I’m talking about is of the more insidious, silent nature…Not the KABOOM at ground zero wiping everything off the map in an instant, but rather the nuclear fallout that goes on killing for generations…

What I am of course referring to here is the plague of stupidity infecting most (if not all) of today’s Christian churches, making them too dangerous for me and my brood. Like some highly-contagious, radioactive flu that (rather than attacking the respiratory or digestive systems, instead) makes a B-line for the brain, rendering its victims unable to think rationally or act morally when it comes to understanding and dealing with the Jewish-engineered bloodbath taking place in the very homeland of Jesus Himself, our response for the last year or so in terms of church attendance has been “Thanks, but no thanks.”

This clearly isn’t what we wanted, but ever since the same Jewish interests that helped bring about this thing known as 9/11 and the accompanying “clash of civilizations” between the Christian and Muslim worlds succeeded in detonating a huge dirty bomb in the collective mind of Western Christians the Geiger counters have been going off the charts and screaming like banshees that these places of worship have become too toxic to frequent.

Like most eye-openers, it was something I’ll never forget, the day I “lost my virginity” as far as the idyllic way I viewed my fellow church folk. It was immediately after George Bush made good on his end of the deal to the powerful Jewish interests who got him elected and started Purim off with a big bang by bombing the be-Jesus out of Iraq and Afghanistan. The pictures of the devastation started pouring out of the event, and of course they were horrific.

A dear friend of mine from church, older gal who went to mass every day, was perplexed as to why I would suddenly take up the strange cause of writing and speaking out against what was taking place. If I “wanted to be a writer,” she asked, why didn’t I concentrate my efforts on more “productive” topics such as the saints, great “doctors” of the church or something dealing more with “church” issues?

I employed all the usual methods in trying to make her understand why I would do such a crazy thing as speaking out against mass murder of millions of innocent people. I used aspects of our own Christian theology as justification and asked her to consider what side of the equation Jesus would be on were He here.

I might as well have been speaking a dialect of Martian for all the headway I was making with her, so I decided to pull out the big guns, in this case, a picture. As we all know, words can be cheap (or at least negotiable in an argument) but pictures–speaking as they do a language that the mouth cannot even begin to approach in being effective–are hard to overcome. I was confident it would distress her deeply, since only someone with ice cubes clinking in his or her veins could see such a thing and not be moved…

The little boy in the pic was no more than probably 8 years old…He was lying on a dirty blanket of some sort on top of a pile of rubble… The terror and agony on his face–demonstrated by the fact he was screaming at the very moment the picture was taken–were impossible to avoid noticing.

The reason he was screaming was obvious to anyone looking at the picture, including my friend, the church lady. At least 80% of his torso was covered in a pinkish, almost translucent kind of hue. Upon closer examination you could see it was not blood however, but rather his exposed flesh, because his skin had been burned away, courtesy of some bomb dropped on his home that read “Made In The USA” on it.

As terrible as the picture was, it did not compare with what I saw on my friend’s face. I looked at her as she looked at the picture and there was, well, nothing. Nothing whatsoever. No reaction. No shock. No pity. Her expression was the same as that of blind people, who, although they look at you with open and otherwise normal-looking eyes, nevertheless reveal nothing of anything that might be going on upstairs.

And although I was not (and am not) a mind reader, I think I have a pretty good idea what was going through her head as she looked at the pic. I had heard it many times, both before, during, and after the start of the war when folks of the self-righteous variety were discussing similar situations taking place in other parts of the world–

“He’s not a Christian…He’s one of those terrible, hell-bound Mohammedans and whatever it was he and the others around him are going through, well, we can’t say for sure, but more than likely this is happening because God is offended with their non-Christian status and therefore has withdrawn His divine protection…”

Unfortunately this was to become a semi-regular nauseating spectacle I would become more and more acquainted with as time went on. Week after week as the war continued and as more, more, and yet even more moral outrages and human suffering were piled up high to heaven, not a blip on the spiritual EKG from the bulk of the people there, both shepard and flock alike.

Yes, thank God (literally) there were a few odd birds like me and my motley crew (wife and kids) but in general there was no great stampede to join our new clique. Slowly but surely we became outcasts, no different than at any typical school in America where geeks and rejects with interests and hobbies outside the mainstream sat at their own lunch table and did their own thing.

We tolerated it for a while, quietly grinding our teeth and shaking our heads in mild disgust as we listened to the “expert analysis” of recently-self-appointed-such-and-such specialists on the topics of Islam, terrorism and the Middle East as they made perfect idiots of themselves by smugly regurgitating the official party line regarding “the Mohammedans” scripted for them by Jewish interests.

We watched as our weekly gathering place slowly but surely morphed from a church dedicated to the teachings of the Prince of Peace into a synagogue, complete with brazen, shameless flirting with the same kind of mindless bloodlust found in the Old Testament until that moment of truth indeed did arrive and the threshold between moderately-intolerable and unbearable had been crossed. The next thing we knew, we found ourselves walking away from it all, quoting the cartoon character Popeye’s infamous “That’s all we can stands ‘cause we can’t stands no more…”

It was not an easy thing for us, because the truth is, we wanted religion and still do. We know that without a higher power of some sort instructing us on the do’s and don’ts of this insane rat race we call human existence that more than likely we’ll eventually wind up in some pretty hot soup of some sort. Despite the abundance of superficial and circumstantial evidence making the rounds these days, we don’t buy into the notion that more bad has come from religion than good. Historically speaking, pound for pound, real religion–like real science–has been much more of a help for mankind than a hindrance, despite the fact it has been at the center of some real whoppers over time. Those who argue that all religion is bad and focus only on the negatives are no different than the organized anti-gun crowd who see guns only as a source of evil while discounting all the evil that guns prevent.

Now however, the seasons have clearly changed…What was once (presumably) pristine, immaculate and inviolable has been turned on its ear…Christian churches in the West–irrespective of whatever flavor they offer on their menu–have for various reasons and in various manners become cauldrons of mental illness. Once sanitariums and sanctuaries from a diseased and decrepit world, now like Dr. Jekyll turning into Mr. Hyde they have become breeding grounds for this seemingly incurable plague that manifests itself in pathological stupidity not seen since 33 AD in a place called Calvary.

The fact is however, as anyone can attest, it is difficult to impossible to quit anything cold turkey. Like a girl who walks away from a bad boyfriend who treats her like dirt and cheats on her at every opportunity, eventually she succumbs to the powerful inducements of his empty promises and her own string of lonely Friday nights and goes back to him…

And we, being no different in that regard, were just about at that point…Lent had just started, and as such we began the yearly remembrance of what happened 2,000 years ago when a brave, righteous guy named Jesus went up against the ADL, JDL, AIPAC and other powerful Jewish groups of His own day and the price He had to pay by doing so.

And naturally, like someone turning on a switch, the magnetic pull to return to our former stomping grounds began…As inviting as crystal-clear water at the beach on a hot summer day, we actually started making our plans for the upcoming Easter mass…

And then, just as we started heading down the beach towards those cleansing, baptismal waters, I saw it, just for a second, that tell-tale, unmistakable dorsal fin poking up out of the waterline telling me it was not yet safe to take the big plunge…

The dorsal fin in this case was an article forwarded to me by some of my former church folk. You know how it is when you get on one of those lists, one person gets something and sends it, and then it is passed on by others, and so on and so on.

Entitled “Facing Extinction: Christians in Iraq,” it was an article written by one Sonja Corbitt appearing on the website. Before I had even set eyes on the opening lines of the text, in the back of my head I could hear the infamous and foreboding 2-note “tuh, duh” theme from the movie Jaws heard every time the main character of that film was about to rip some poor soul into ribbons.

Without getting into too much of the gory, grisly details, suffice it to say it is what we would call “showroom quality” in terms of the stupidity it embodies. Predictably, it carries the unmistakable odor that all those with sensitive noses have come to experience these days when it comes to “news” coming out of the Jewish mainstream media regarding the “existential threat” posed by the Mooooozlims to the Christian West. She cites the “alarming rise in political, jihadist Islam that is systematically annihilating Christians all over the world” , characterizing it with all the same toxic, radioactive duplicity of it being “a religious war”, replete with the obligatory misquoting of the Koran that Christians have been subjected to now for almost a decade Since 9/11.

And of course, the real kicker, which is to pin all of this bloodshed–not on the powerful Jewish interests that pulled George Bush’s chain in getting this war started or the fact that Mossad and CIA have been working for years to get a religious war started in the very area where all this is taking place–but rather the fact that Obama’s TALK of removing US troops from Iraq is “emboldening” these bloodthirsty Moooozlims into engaging in this behavior.

Well, the rest is, tragically, all too predictable. The back-and-forthing taking place between my fellow Christianites who suddenly found righteous indignation over what was happening in Iraq was the typical chatter you’d find amongst a group of fish dumb enough to bite down on anything, even a bare hook with no bait on it–


…and of course, the solution, left subtly in the article with diabolical cleverness–

“Write your representative in Congress and demand that he or she put pressure on Obama not to remove US Troops from the area…”

Keep in mind that these were the same folks who couldn’t give the proverbial rat’s ass over what was being done to the Muslims, slaughtered to the tune of–as of the moment of this writing–over a million and whose collective response to the whole thing was a mindless shrug of the shoulders in self-righteous “BFD” fashion.

To a certain degree I can deal with the treachery of individuals such as the muy estimada Sonja Corbitt writing this piece. After all, it is not by happenstance that journalists in the West today are referred to disparagingly as “presstitutes”. She knows who signs the paychecks these days and as such is willing to engage in just about any kind of immoral, dirty behavior in making her customer happy.

I suppose I have no business getting overly angry about it. After all, there’s an instance described in the gospels where Jesus, having just given one of his award-winning sermons to–of all people–His 12 apostles, warning them about how dangerous the “leaven of the Pharisees” was, returned a few minutes later only to find them debating and discussing bread and with Jesus bewildered at their thickness of intellect. As Paul said, nothing changes…there is nothing new under the sun.

And likewise I suppose with those of the flock today, who have proven on a regular basis they can be seduced and mesmerized into believing just about anything by the very same Jewish interests who have waged ceaseless war against the civilization built upon the revolutionary ideas and teachings from the same carpenter from Nazareth they would crucify all over again were He here today.

Christians of today, meet your twin sister, Little Red Riding Hood, who, while all her senses screamed at her that she was a mere few millimeters away from her own death, nevertheless allowed the sweet talkin’ wolf dressed as grandma to distract her right up to the moment lunch was served.

(c) 2010 Mark Glenn

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