Sunday, March 14

Israeli doctors torture Palestinian prisoner to extract confessions

GAZA, (PIC)-- The prisoners' center for studies has called on the World Health Organization, doctors without borders, and all human rights groups to investigate the involvement of the Israeli health ministry in the torture of Palestinian detainees in collaboration with the security apparatuses.

Ra'fat Hamdona, the head of the center, said in a statement on Sunday, that the Israeli health ministry participated in the torture of detainee Jihad Mughrabi, 21, who has been held in custody since 2008.
He said that those involved in the incident, which is in violation of all international rules and norms, should be brought to account.

The Hebrew press on Sunday revealed that the health ministry had taken part in the torture of Mughrabi, a Tulkarem resident, on the charge of indirect involvement in the killing of two Israeli guards.

Daily Ha'aretz said that Mughrabi complained at the Israeli higher court that he was tortured at the hands of Israeli investigators and that doctors in an Israeli hospital where he was treated returned him to the intelligence apparatus despite his serious condition.

The paper noted that Mughrabi was awaiting his release within two months after a deal was hatched to cover up for the torture case in return for an alleviated sentence against him.

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