Tuesday, March 16

Israeli Audacity and Axelrod Angst

By Rocky_Celt

Smoking-Zionist-Joe-Biden embarrassed in the Promised Land
Smoking-Zionist-Joe-Biden embarrassed in the Promised Land

What some might call “embarrassing, disruptive, insulting” and even a “crisis of historic proportions”, others might simply say its business as usual. I am in the later camp and often refer to it as Israeli chutzpah. What am I ranting about now, you ask? I am referring to is a public display of superiority and an implied subservient obedience as Israel threw its weight around once again.

During a visit to Israel by US Vice President, Joe Biden, a visit intended to stimulate and promote Middle East peace talks between Israel and Palestinians, Israel made a special announcement. Israel announced plans to build 1,600 new housing units near Jerusalem, or I should say occupied East Jerusalem.

Allow me to recapitulate this point with some additional clarity. Just before the Vice President of the United States of America, a man the Jewish Telegraphic Agency has called “Netanyahu’s best friend in the Obama administration” sat down and play nicey-nice with the Palestinians, just moments before he is going to play Grand Marshall the Middle East “Smoke and Mirrors” parade, Israel announces more territorial expansion and development. And this expansion is in a place no other than Jerusalem, perhaps the most hotly contested piece of territory in the entire Middle East. You remember, part of the land Israel annexed after the 1967, Six-Day War. Some of the land Israel announced last month would be part of the area designated for the “Heritage Plan” . This is part of the land Israel annexed and subsequently declared its capital, Jerusalem. A declaration for which the international community, including the United Nations Security Council, roundly condemned, both the land annexation and declaration of Jerusalem as its capital city. You know, the land internationally recognized as “Occupied Palestinian Territories” for which Israel has no sovereign rights. That land!

So Smoking-Zionist-Joe-Biden, the most Jewish non-Jewish man in Washington, is set to be head cheerleader in an effort to restart peace talks and Israel makes an announcement that derails any remote prospect of rekindling peace talks. This is the man that once said the US governments support for Israel “comes from our gut, moves through our heart, and ends up in our head. It’s almost genetic.” To be fair, Little Joe was sincerely embarrassed, even a bit miffed perhaps. But he was not too miffed to go ahead with a speech restating US foreign policy.

JTA article
Biden, furious, condemned the announcement — several times — but went ahead with a speech that affirmed the unshakeable U.S.-Israel bond.
To be sure, officially there is a lot of hand-wringing on this one and you can find plenty of quotes of outrage from politicians at every level. But Israel is not backing down from the substance of the announcement, only the timing for it. There is no doubt that the kosher-party-line is geared up to soften the blow this episode has on everyone within reach. But it is not a universal effort. Sort of amusing to see the different slants on how the kosher apple cart rolls with this story. But officially we are all outraged, etcetera, etcetera. Lots of talk about US-Israeli relations being at historic lows. Claims from Israel’s ambassador to the US this has caused a “crisis of historic proportions”.

Don’t fall for that crock of bull-puckey! It is a sham, all part of the “Smoke and Mirrors” game Washington helps Israel play. Sure, Washington was embarrassed and for the cameras even “furious” at times. But nothing of consequence will change in regards to US foreign policy and they all know it.

While we are all fed the glories of democracy and led to believe Israel is a great beacon for democracy in the Middle East, an area populated by roughly 2.5 million Palestinians is being shoved around by a bully government on behalf of only 500,000 Jews that live in these “Occupied Palestinian Territories”. Long live democracy!

The best articles of reference are the Buenos Aires Herald and AFP. No shortage of references if you do some searching but most follow the kosher-party-line. The Israeli and international articles seem to be the most informative. The Aljazeera article also features a video with ultra-out-of-the-Zionist-closet David “Astroturf Axelrod” full of crocodile tears and condemnation for Israel’s actions.
Click here for original Aljazeera article
Click here for original JTA article
Click here for original Buenos Aires Herald article
Click here for original AFP article

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