Thursday, March 25

The Enemy Amongst Us

The Enemy Amongst us

The Enemy Amongst us; Keeping true to her cause

On Monday, AIPAC kicked off yet another of its policy conferences which usually features a who’s-who of Israel-obedient politicians (you might be thinking that includes the entirety of Congress and the Executive Branch, and I say ‘well almost’). As most of us know, AIPAC is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. I won’t spend much time on that but there really are a few key points to note.

First, don’t think of AIPAC as an official Political Action Committee or PAC, subject to the same US federal laws and regulations a PAC is. Think of AIPAC as an unofficial political action committee not subject to these laws and regulations. Think of it as the single most powerful and influential political lobby group in existence in the United States. Understand that this was born out of the American Zionist Council which in 1951 was registered as a foreign agent for Israel. It spawned the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs before being crunched into the obscure acronym it is now. Understand also that if you want to be elected to any federal position of relevance in the country, you will need its blessing. All of the major politicians in the US government have courted AIPAC and the interests that group represents.

There was a report published back in 2006 from two well known and respected researchers at Harvard and the University of Chicago. These political science and government policy researchers were better known and much less respected under the kosher-party-line after they published a book called “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” which is worth the read. Now I am no scholar in the field of political science and international affairs nor do I have a Doctorate or PhD in anything. But I think I agree with the two that do have all the above and wrote this book.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

“No lobby has managed to divert U.S. foreign policy as far from what the American national interest would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans that U.S. and Israeli interests are essentially identical…..The combination of unwavering support for Israel and the related effort to spread ‘democracy’ throughout the region has inflamed Arab and Islamic opinion and jeopardized not only U.S. security but that of much of the rest of the world. This situation has no equal in American political history. Why has the U.S. been willing to set aside its own security and that of many of its allies in order to advance the interests of another state?”

With that background, we can jump to my main point. The AIPAC conference which kicked off this week featured Hillary Rodham Clinton. As we all know she is Barack Obama’s nominated Secretary of State and at one time she was posturing for the top position that the Obaminator now holds. I think she was a lot closer to securing that position than a lot of my friends may have thought. She is as versed and indoctrinated in the will of The Tribe as any politician in the history of this country. And that point alone, which is more important than the natural level of testosterone or estrogen produced by a politician, is enough to put any person in the White House. The will of The Tribe put the first Black man in the White House and it will also put the first woman in the White House. Hillary is certainly at the very top of that very short list.

If you are like me, anything resembling a Clinton will put the hair on your neck at end. We suffered through two terms, eight years, of her husband who probably at one time had the strongest will of The Tribe support of any president in history. We watched his impeachment make a spectacle and laughing stock out of this country. And we can see the latest tool of the Clinton political dynasty pick up exactly where Slick Willy left off.

So Madam Hillary took the stage and made sure she said enough to confuse those that don’t matter and to pay homage to the only ones that do matter when it comes to her political future. She stroked the will of The Tribe while dropping enough sound bytes to give the kosher-party-line enough fuel for the Middle East game of “Smoke and Mirrors”.

So the most useful article is from Aljazeera but the videos of the speech available at the JTA site, among others. You really should watch it for yourself, as well as any of her previous speeches bowing down to the AIPAC throne. You need to keep the above point in mind, the deliberate balance of meaningless sound bytes to feed the kosher-party-line with the applause raising sermon that was designed specifically for this audience. I have seen reports that she got eight standing ovations. Compare what you hear and see in the video to headlines in the US media that covered the speech. If you have not seen a US politician speaking at an AIPAC event, you really should.

Hillary Clinton at March 2010 AIPAC Conference

“The forces that threaten Israel also threaten the United States of America. . .Let me assure you as I have assured you on previous occasions, for President Obama and for me, and for this entire administration, our commitment to Israel’s security is rock solid, enduring and forever. . . Let me be clear. The United States is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. . . . We will not compromise our commitment to preventing Iran from acquiring these nuclear weapons. . . . And of this you [Israel] can be absolutely sure. The United States and the American people will stand will you. . . . God bless Israel and God bless the United States of America.”

Remember, I saw this first in Aljazeera which is not a cog in the kosher-party-line machine, quite the opposite. Aljazeera is the place people like Osama bin Laden go when they have something to say and don’t want the kosher-party-line to remove anything of relevance.

On a related note, I also read today that a recent poll conducted by CNN/Opinion Research Corporation found that under 20% of the respondents felt that Israel was either unfriendly or an enemy of the United States. That is encouraging until you note that roughly 80% feel like Israel is either a friend or ally. That tells me that the kosher-party-line machine is still running strong.

Click here for original Aljazeera article

Click here for original JTA videos and article



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