The JNF Tax Fraud
Canadians need to be aware that the Jewish National Fund is tax exempt to the tune of millions, despite the fact that it defies the legal requirements for charitable institutions in Canada. Ron Saba has been working tirelessly to educate politicians, the media and the general public for some time now about this illegal practice on the part of our government. He even filed a formal complaint with the Human Rights Commission which was summarily dismissed without a hearing (click on image to read letter).
Ignoring the Racist Jewish National Fund ("JNF") Tax Fraud only increases legal liability
You can pretend it doesn't exist, but that won't make it go away. You can act as if the racist articles of the JNF's bylaws and the racist terms of the JNF lease are written in invisible ink, but these legal documents are still there for everyone to see; yesterday, today and tomorrow. You can ignore the 2005 ruling by the Attorney General of Israel that the JNF's bylaws and practices represent racial discrimination and should not continue with state assistance, but feigning ignorance won't change the fact that JNF racism is illegal under Israeli, Canadian and International law.YYC: Yes, what goes around always comes around. No buts about it.
You can pretend that the Canadian political, corporate and media elite who actively promote the Racist JNF to Canadian adults and children aren't aware of the true nature of the JNF, however that won't erase the archived reports of JNF racism and complicity in ethnic cleansing that have been published by major Canadian newspapers, the Canadian Jewish News, the United Jewish Appeal of Toronto and in a domestically and internationally known TV documentary by Canadian Crown Corporation CBC's Fifth Estate in 1991. You can act as if the well documented paper trail of all this which is departmentally stamped and legally filed in the official records of the Canadian Human Rights Commission along with a departmentally stamped and legally filed reply from the Canadian Government proving its full awareness of the Racist JNF Tax Fraud and unintentionally confirming bureaucratic malfeasance on this issue will somehow disappear, but it won't.
Every day with every tick of the clock, the cover up of the Racist JNF Tax Fraud continues, and with it criminal and civil liability increases. Those with bad intent will not always be in control on the corrective mechanisms our government and be able to subvert our laws. Eventually the crimes of the Racist JNF and the complicity of those who aided, abetted and covered up Canada's Racist JNF Tax Fraud will be brought to justice in a Canadian court of law. Believing otherwise only serves to increase the penalties, both in terms of dollars and length of prison term. Only a fool would think otherwise.
Tick, tock, can you hear the clock?
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