Sunday, January 24

Mughraqa Disaster part of Israeli “war crimes” and will be documented

Dr. Ahmad BahrDr. Ahmed Bahr, the Palestinian Legislative Council’s Deputy Chairman has stressed that the criminal occupation which contributed to the flooding of the Mughraqa area will not go unnoticed adding that the disaster will be documented as a war crime to be presented to the war crimes tribunals.

On Monday January 18th, Mughraqa village which lays at the centre of the Gaza Strip experienced massive floods after forces of the Israeli occupation opened one of the dams of Wadi Gaza. This resulted in the deluge of dozens of homes and the displacement of hundreds of residents.

Bahr stressed his great concern for what was happening in the centre of the Strip, holding the occupation’s government fully responsible for the safety of Gazans and the negative consequences they are suffering from.

He called upon the Arab League and the international community to take a responsible stance to immediately curb the occupation’s aggression and to intervene to stop all criminal acts committed by it. He stressed that turning a blind eye to the occupation’s crimes leads to the continuation of such crimes and contributes to the intensification of the suffering of the Palestinian people, who are subjected to unprecedented and inhumane circumstances.

He also called upon competent authorities, especially the civil defence apparatus, the ministry of labour, the ministry of health and the interior ministry, to deal with the crisis quickly and to initiate relief work for the families that have been displaced by the floods. In addition he called upon them to put into effect a speedy emergency plan to tackle the repercussions of Israeli crime and the possibility that the occupation commits more crimes of this kind.


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