Friday, January 8

The Latest From The Canadian Charger

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Year 2, Issue 1 January 7, 2010

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Cairo Declaration to end Israeli Apartheid siege of Gaza

Cairo Declaration to end Israeli Apartheid siege of Gaza

Gaza Freedom Marchers approved last week a declaration aimed at accelerating the global campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli Apartheid.


Political Cartoon of the Week

Afghanistan: Sue, Lew and You

Shortly before and after 7PM (ET) on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 CBC TV News broke the news of the announcement by Brigadier-General Daniel Menard in Afghanistan that "five Canadian citizens" had been killed at 4PM on Wednesday (Kandahar time) by an IED.

New Year, New Hope?

With the dawn of a New Year is there any reason to hope that it will see real progress on ending the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel and stopping the countdown to catastrophe for all?

Gaza Freedom Marchers in Cairo

I've never met Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit but he reckons I am a very bad European along with the 1400 other peace activists from the Gaza Freedom March who are trapped in Cairo on New Year's Eve.

Child welfare for natives

How can we solve the problem of large numbers of native children in state care?

Mr. Obama: no war is just

Mr. Obama, like you, I have read the beautifully crafted speech that you delivered when accepting the Nobel peace prize. Unlike you, I do not believe what it says. In that speech, you fail to consider too many important facts.

Harper in the media

We are going to talk today about Stephen Harper and his abuse of Parliament, but kindly bear with me for a moment.

America's newly homeless women

The testimony of American women who recently joined the ranks of the homeless following the collapse of the housing credit market, is a wakeup call to Canadians: Resist any Americanization of Canada by the Harper government - even better, defeat it in the next election!

A Courageous Afghan Woman Defies Warlords and Foreign Occupiers

A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Raise Her Voice, by Malalai Joya, with Derrick O'Keefe. Scribner, 2009.

Einstein on Palestine and Zionism

There is some controversy over Einstein's political views especially on the issue of Palestine and the creation of a Jewish State.

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