Thursday, January 7

"Israel" has committed in Gaza, all crimes under international criminal law

Abdul Aziz Tarakji


January 7, 2010

Mr. Abdul Aziz Tarakji (Executive Director of the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Monitor) office in Lebanon) said that the rebel entity on international law, "Israel" has committed in Gaza city all the crimes enumerated in the treaties of international criminal law and customs and laws of war in addition to the crime of aggression in front of the whole world, even the crimes of genocide against the Palestinian people is still going on since 1948 until the present day, it has never stopped. Genocide is defined in law as a series of crimes have been committed with intent to destroy, in whole or part, including the siege, starvation, preventing medication and cutting off electricity and water. We are in front of war crimes committed by the occupation leaders, defined as the violations of the four Geneva conventions and the norms and rules of war, including murder, torture and wide destruction of properties without military necessity, such as targeting schools, places of worship and sites of the United Nations.

Israel has committed a crime against humanity, known as a series of criminal acts committed as a part of a planned, systematic and widespread attack against civilians, including murder, torture, and the crime of apartheid and oppression against the Palestinians, and this would deprive some or all of population, intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights, contrary to the international law, because of group identity or collectivity. The Israeli crimes are still on and also the evidence, there is a file documented with our colleagues in the international coalition to prosecute war criminals; which we are honored to join.

Tarakji expressed his satisfaction about the General Assembly of United Nations adoption for the Goldstone Report, (114) votes against the refusal (18) votes, which is considered a victory for justice and international legitimacy, also he criticized severely countries that have not ratified the decision, at the same time he expressed his respect for their persuasion of foster support to "Israel" helping its leaders to escape from punishment, stressing that voting against the decision is a vote for creating chaos, legalizing murder and committing crimes against humanity.

And commenting on the decision of the procurator Norwegian Mrs. / Seire Fegrade concerning the freezing of the investigation in the complaint filed by Norwegian lawyers on the recent Israeli war on Gaza, on which they demanded the issuance of arrest warrants for ten people of the political and military leaders who led the operations against the civilians in Gaza with the existence of evidence of their committing for war crimes and serious crimes and violations of the international law, "Tarakji said that the decision was cowardly and not free of obvious political fear….. legally weak, and contradictory in form and subject, we and our colleagues in the international coalition to prosecute the war criminals consider it a major affront to the independence of the Norwegian judiciary, our colleagues in the coalition have expressed in an official statement our position and the most human rights organizations position against this decision which we consider it another attempt to undermine international justice and the impunity of the Israeli criminals of punishment."

It is worth mentioning that the statement of Professor Tarakji was in front of a delegation of young people and volunteers who visited the General Office (Monitor) in Saida – Lebanon Wednesday, 2/12/2009 congratulating "the blessed sacrifice feast" after informing them about the recent activities of the Association in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.


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