Free E-Books on Palestine
40 Years of Occupation in the West Bank & Gaza Strip (e-book)

Access Denied: Israeli Measures to Deny Palestinians Access to Land Around Settlements (e-book)

Alienation of a Homeland: How Palestine Became Israel (e-book)

Best of Bitterlemons (e-book)

Boycott Israel: Divestment and Sanctions (e-book)

Cost of Israel to the American People (e-book)

Counter-Rhetoric (e-book)

Decode Jerusalem: An Alternative Travel Guide (e-book)

Displaced by the Wall (e-book)

Dividing War Spoils: Israel's Seizure, Confiscation, and Sale of Palestinian Property (e-book)

Education Under Occupation (e-book)

Enduring Occupation (e-book)

Everything You Need To Know About Israeli Apartheid (e-book)

Foreign Arms Supplies to Israel/Gaza (e-book)

Humanitarian Impact of Settlements in the West Bank (e-book)

Human Rights in Occupied Palestine (e-book)

Israeli Racism: Palestinians in Israel, a Case Study (e-book)

Jerusalem Dispossessed (e-book)

Life in a Palestinian Refugee Camp (e-book)

Losing Ground: Protection and Livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (e-book)

Nakba Eyewitnesses (e-book)

Nakba: The Process of Palestinian Dispossession (e-book)

Obstacles to Peace (e-book)

Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict (e-book)

Palestine (e-book)

Palestine and the Middle East in a Global Context (e-book)

Palestinian Displacement: A Case Apart? (e-book)

Palestine, Israel, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (e-book)

Palestine's Ongoing Nakba (e-book)

Palestine: The Case for Justice (e-book)

Palestinian Refugees Right to Return and Repatriation (e-book)

Rachel's Letters (e-book)

Returning to Kafr Bir'im (e-book)

Ruling Palestine (e-book)

The Al-Aqsa Uprising in Cartoons - "Palestinian Perspective" (e-book)

The Palestinian Nakba: 1948-2009 (e-book)

Towards a Global Movement for Palestine: Anti-Apartheid Activism (e-book)

Truth Against Truth (e-book)

Viewpoint from Palestine (e-book)
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