Friday, January 1

Egyptian police beat police activists

Please note that just days ago, Obama condemned the Iranian government for its brutalities committed against protesters, but he has had nothing to say regarding the effforts of the Gaza Freedom March trying to bring much needed supplies to the besieged people of Gaza, nor do I think he will have anything to say about these protests in Egypt because the USA obviously supports it. The hypocrisy is disgusting. .

SEVEN protestors were injured as Egyptian plain clothes police turned violent at a Cairo street demonstration organised by peace activists. Nearly a thousand Gaza Freedom Marchers, representing 42 different nationalities, brought the Egyptian capital to a standstill at one point when they sat down on a main road in Tahrir Square. The surprise demonstration took Cairo police by surprise after they blockaded a hotel nearby where nearly 30 of the GFM were staying. Around 700 maintained their sit-in for 20 minutes until police reinforcements arrived to remove the defiant peace activists who were chanting: "We want to march to Gaza." Mick Napier, the chair of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign said: "The police used excessive force and at one stage several female protestors were punched and kicked. A couple had their hijabs ripped away from their head. "Many of us were taken aback by the naked aggression of the police as this was a non-violent protest. Around 1400 of us arrived in Cairo a few days ago to go to Gaza but a travel ban was imposed and we've been stuck in the capital."


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